Crystal Clear

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"Wait, brain dead as in, her body and organs are connected to life support at the moment? There's a machine keeping her alive and she's never going to wake up?"

The doctor shook his head.

"We did everything we coul-"

Ally slapped him across the face.


The doctor touched his hand to his red cheek. Everyone was staring at her as hot tears crawled down her face.

"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Thank you for trying to save her." Ally said and wiped tears from her cheeks.

"Would you like to see her?" He asked.

"Y-yes." She replied.

He led her down a hall and into a hospital room. He opened the door and Ally approached the bed. There laid Crystal. There were tubes coming out of her arms, legs, and chest, with a large tube coming out of her mouth, connecting to one of the many machines she was hooked up to. The girl that saved Ally's life. The girl who was the only one who loved Ally, even though Ally pushed her away for someone she didn't stand a chance with. The girl who loved Ally so much she would commit suicide over her. The girl who was never going to wake up. Ally grabbed her pale hand and held it to her chest.

"I know you can't hear me right now." Ally said. "Crystal, I know I pushed you away for someone that didn't love me any close to how much you did. And it's making me want to kill myself thinking about all the horrible things I've done to you. You don't deserve a person like me to call your friend, but I want you to wake up so I can tell you this face to face. I love you more than anything in the world. I know that now. And I'm not just saying that, I mean it. I am not breaking anymore promises to you. It's my fault you ended up like this. I love you, Crystal. I will never stop loving you, I love you-" Ally burst out crying. Crystal was never going to wake up. And she wanted her to know. But now she was gone, before Ally could tell her what was inside her heart. Gone forever.

"Ally," The doctor said. "It's time to let her go."

"NO! SHE HAS TO WAKE UP!!! SHE HAS TO!!" Ally cried and laid in the bed with Crystal.

She wrapped Crystal's body in her arms and held her head to her chest, just like Crystal liked whenever they slept together. Ally held onto her tightly.

"Please Crystal, wake up! I want to see you one last time! I want to kiss you one last time! PLEASE WAKE UP! CRYSTAL, I'M BEGGING YOU!!"

She knew she wasn't going to wake up, and she knew her tears wouldn't stop flowing.

"I'm begging you. Wake up for me. I need you. Please wake up..."

"Ally," The doctor cut in.

"JUST DO IT ALREADY!" Ally cried still holding Crystal.

The doctor walked over to one of the machines and cut only one wire.

"BEEEEEEEEEP" Ally looked up at the monitor. Flat line. She was gone.

"Time of death, 12:11pm" The doctor said wiping a tear. "Take all the time you need, Ally." He left the two of the alone.

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