The Elemental

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I woke up suddenly on my steel bed; the blanket already turned to ash. The loud beeping of the alarm clock kept screaming in my ear as I reached up to it to turn it off. With a large amount of energy, I got up and crossed the room to my dresser.
My eyes were still blurred as my muscles kept telling me to go lay down again. I wanted to, but I has school today. I mindlessly rummaged through my clothing, trying not to singe anything too badly. I slid on a specially made black tank top and a  pair of blue jeans. I looked up at the mirror hat was just above the iron dresser.
I nearly fell over in horror at the sight of my frizzy hair. With agile moves I straightened out - well, tried to - my hair. The red glowing fire-side of my head wouldn't ever stop being curly, no matter how hard I tried. And my water-side would never be curly. I huffed, giving up, and let out a cloud of steam.
With the metal door being rather close to the dresser, I only had to take a few steps to emerge into the long hallway that led to the livingroom of our small house. I left the familiar scorch marks on the floor every couple of steps. My roommates must've heard me coming because they both were looking at the hallway entrance.
"Hey Roxanna - Madalynn," I said sleepily. Roxanna turned her silvery brown gaze to me and smiled brightly, baring her sharp canines. Madalynn watched my movements with her intense red gaze - hate clearly shown.
"'Sup Sylnaya," she said in her usual light tone of voice. Madalynn said nothing, making her seem ominous. She is ominous. I shook my head to get rid of the thought. No, she's just mad at me.
I shuffled over to the pair who were watching the high school news and sat at my usual spot on the couch. I sat near Roxanna, who protects me sometimes from Madalynn's wrath. She was still mad at me from the one time I accedentally burned one of her books.
I sighed softly, barely audible, but my steaming breath gave it away. Roxanna flicked her long pointy wolf-like ears towards me and turned to me with a frown. "What's wrong?" She asked. Her tone was gentle - calming, really.
"Nothing. Just thinking."
"Hm. Well, alright. Are you going to help me with the garden today? I'm sure we can use some of your amazing kick ass water powers," she asked excitedly, changing the subject and leaping on her feet.
"Sure, I can try," I said, shrugging.
"Great!" She said and grabbed Madalynn's hand - who was watching with a smirk - and reached for me. Before I had time to react, she latched onto my fire-hand. The putrid oder of burning flesh and fur filled the room, then. Roxanna screamed in pain as her hand lit in fire and desperately.
Madalynn suddenly grabbed onto my water-hand and made a jet of water come out of my palm. She must've had amazing aim because she extinguished the burning fur on Roxanna's arm before it could get worse.
I grimaced at her touch and folded my arms close to my chest, looking at a burnt Roxanna om the floor. Madalynn muttered something inaudible and went into the kitchen for a quick moment. She came back with a bandage and leaned down to wrap Roxanna's arm in it.
"Don't be so idiotic next time, Roxanna," Madalynn growled. Roxanna stared down at her bandaged hand. I didn't know what to do, so I stood there silently as Roxanna tried to get her thoughts together.
I shook my head and went into the kitchen I  search of my chain mail gloves. I went through the cabinets, not really focusing on the task at hand. My mind kept going back to Madalynn for an odd reason. I went through the piled papers - burning them in the process - and found the pair of gloves.  I slid them on with ease and they fit snugly.
I smiled and went back into the livingroom. I cocked my head to the side like a dog would as I saw that Roxanna was still on the floor but Madalynn was next to her chanting words of a spell. She suddenly stopped and Roxanna shook her injured arm. I stood and watched, dumbfounded.
Roxanna unwrapped her arm from the bandage and saw that her fur was completely grown back with her skin being completely fine. Madalynn had a small smile on her face as she admired her work. When she saw me at the kitchen door frame, the smile dropped and she went back to her normal grim look.
She tipped her chin down to look at Roxanna. "You going to be okay?" She asked and held out her hand for Roxanna to take. She nodded in reply and stood up on her own.
"Let's go water the garden before we have to go," she said in a ragged voice. She grabbed my glove with unnatural force and dragged me out the back door. When we were out of the house, the muffled noises of the city were now at their loudest. The honking of cars, birds screeching, dogs barking - they were all welcome. The city was loud, but it was home.
The sun's rays of light blared in my eyes as Roxanna continued to drag me along. We went into out backyard, which was on the edge of a clear lake. The flowers that we grew a couple months ago were a beautiful mix of colors. Next to the flowers was a large blue pool. A pool I'm not allowed in. The rules kept me out of it.
I stayed behind a few feet, watching Roxanna as she carefully worked on the beautiful plants. She popped her head up from behind a rose bush and made a stern face. "Start watering, you lazy elemental!" She said teasingly.
I rose an eyebrow at her words and took off the glove that contained my water-hand. I grinned wickedly, playing with my fingers. Roxanna leaned down to weed the rose bush. I blasted a jet of water at her, soaking her in the process.
She gasped and looked at me with a shocked look. I placed my hands on my hips sassily and smiled. "I watered, didn't I?" I said and stood out my tongue. She scowled down at her soaked clothing, making me let out a laugh I tired to keep in.
"Why wasn't I invited to the party?" A deep voice said from behind me. I froze in surprise and quickly turned to face the Wolf named Erik. Roxanna snarled, her eyes flashing amber as she tried to contain her anger. I just stared at him in confusion. He has changed since the last time I saw him, and I honestly forgot why we hated his guts.
"Hello little Roxanna," he said softly to Roxanna, paying no attention to her hostile position. He switched his gaze to me, looking at me with the same silvery-look to his eyes that Roxanna had. He had a pair of two emerald green eyes that went perfectly with his dark brown hair. He had an angular face and ears, unlike Roxanna. He looks more elf than wolf.
Erik caught me staring at him and smirked, showing his sharp fangs. He moved his gaze over my small form; looking at my clothing to the way I did my hair. I felt my face flush as he took my hand. I stared in shock as he took off my gloves and held my fire-hand without burning.
"H-how?" I whispered to him. He shrugged slightly and flicked his eyes over to Roxanna for a quick second.  He let go of my hand and I saw it flash black then back to normal.
"I have... more than one ability."
The sound of feet hitting the grass made me turn from Erik to see Madalynn coming towards us quickly. She shouted one of her power spells - a shield spell. "Lös Mirâ Són!" She yelled. A sudden force field surrounded the house, pushing Erik away from me and away from the yard. He sighed and placed a hand on the shield.
"I'll be back for you three. Oh, and here's your book Madalynn," Erik said and pulled out a book from his black leather jacket. He placed it down before him and stalked off the property. As soon as he was gone from sight, Madalynn ran up to the book, but didn't touch it.
I had been holding my breath, not knowing it, and exhaled more steam. Roxanna had gone back inside - probably to get ready for school.
"Sylnaya, please burn this book," Madalynn said and headed towards the house, not looking back. I did as told and burned the book quickly. I placed my gloves back over my hand and watched the book burn silently. A very faint beeping noise came from the inside of the book; it blew up on the spot, send in pieces of burning paper everywhere.
"Let's go to school."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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