The Last Sunset

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WARNING!: if you get the feeling you're being watched, get a tingling sensation, or you start twitching then STOP READING you've become one of us. imminently you need to find us and protect yourself. I don't need to tell you where we are 'cuase if you are one of us you'll know where we are.

                                                        CHAPTER 1

"DO IT! DON'T BE A BABY JUST DO IT!" Peter screamed. He never was good at being polite. "They tried to kill us and you want them to get away with it?! Come on its no different then killing an animal when you hunt."

    "That's just the problem," i shouted back. the wind roared so loudly that you couldn't even here yourself think. "if i get used to killing people i'll kill them like i kill animals."

    "but that would be good for us, then the decapitators wouldnt be such a big threat." i almost forgot that Jake was with us, he's just so quiet and small, but hes is very powerful and useful.

     "i wouldn't expect you guys to understand," I said looking directly at all of them. i noticed that not everyone was here. "wheres Kahlan, Zach, Drake, Zoe, and Rachel?"

     "there coming," Peter replied. "but in the meantime can you kill him before he uses this time to escape?"

      Peter was really starting to get on my nerves. "fine but don't expect me to be happy about taking yet another life away from someone."

     I turned around and faced my victim. his eyes were wide with fear. "P-p-please d-d-don't kill m-m-me!" he stuttered. with each word he said blood oozed out of his mouth like a little kid playing with a sink jerking the water on and off but only letting a small amount come out each time. "i have a wife and four children that need to be fed and have someone to look out for them."

     i didn't know what to do. this poor guy was probably just a normal person like anyone else and was eventually blackmailed by Sutket, the one who wanted to take our powers and use them for himself. i took a deep breath and used my power suffocating him with my mind. he started making a weird noise a cross between a drowning pig and a dog being burnt alive. his eyes popped out of his sockets and he collapsed. i heard footsteps behind me but i didn't want to turn around just yet.

   "hey sorry we're late, what did we miss?" i recognized that instantly to be the voice of Zach. i finally turned around and looked directly at him. Kahlan, Drake, Zoe, and Rachel we're standing a pace behind him. i haven't cried since i was seven but Zach could always tell when i was upset when no one else could. his smile faded and a look of concern replaced it. "What's wrong."

  "Ari was reluctant to kill are little friend here," Peter gestured to the guy on the ground that i killed. "he almost got away."

  "Did you force her to do it?"

  "Eh, maybe..."

  "Peter you know how Ari is about killing people."

  "Yeah, but if we had let him get away then he would of given are location away to Sutket."

  "Guys!" Kahlan yelled. "Can we get on to the task at hand instead of arguing about Ari's fatal flaw."

  "Thanks" I said to her.

  "no prob."

  Zoe took out are map that shows are hideout and we headed south towards the Ructus River. Me and Zach had established are hideout there eight years ago when his father used to beat him. We would use it to hang out, aviod our parents, or to get away from all the distractions of the modern world and reconnect with nature. Now we use it for our meetings and other emergency stuff. When we finally got there everyone was exhausted, we had to walk five miles to get here. Normally five miles would be nothing, but we had spent the whole day trying to get the decapitators off our tails. While everyone was putting their stuff inside I wen over and sat on the edge of the cliff a few feet away from the sparkling waterfall. The sun was setting and the sky was the color of a pomegranate. I couldn't believe how quickly the day had gone by.

  "I had forgotten how beautiful it is here."

  i jerked around thinking it was a decapitator. Sitting next to me was a little boy who looked like he was eight. It was Zach. I sat there to stunned to speak how could it be possible.

  "Ari... Ari! ARI!!!" I closed my eyes and reality came back. Zach was back to his normal age. "Are you ok?"

  "uh.. yeah, sorry i'm just tired."

  "yeah so am I. I can't believe the day went by so fast."

  "That's just what i was thinking."

  For the next ten minutes we sat in silence looking out into the horizon, admiring the sunset. "I can't remember the last time I've felt this much at home, or this much relaxed." I couldn't get over how amazing this moment was, I was able to relax and enjoy a beautiful sunset with my best friend. That's when I felt someone's presence. I turned around thinking the guys had came out to tell us we should start to get are stuff set up. Well, I was right about one thing, it was one of our members. Zoe had came out with a strange look on her face, it almost looked evil.

  "Zoe, what's up," I asked

  Zoe's smile got wider, what was she hiding? She stepped a few paces closer, pulled out a gun and shot it. In those last few seconds it felt like time itself had slowed down completely. When the bullet came within six inches of my face I leaned back to dodge the bullet. The bullet skimmed my forehead causing a line of blood to trickle down my face. Not a second later I lost my footing and fell back off the cliff heading towards the the lake me and Zach use to play in. I thought that I would have a safe landing in the deep cool water, I was way off. The last thing i remember hearing was the sound of my spine shattering like glass being dropped.

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