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"Mommy? Mommy wake up. Wake up Mommy, Matty is crying." I could feel Luke shaking Rosa. She groaned.

"I'll be right there Luke." It had been 2 weeks since my surgery, and I could tell Rosa was exhausted. She had been getting up super early, and going to bed super late. Some nights, she ended up falling asleep on the couch.

"Rosy, go get Matty okay?" She sighed.

"Okay Lyric, I'll be back to help you downstairs for breakfast." She got up out of bed and looked in the mirror. Her hair was a mess, she looked super tired, and I could tell she was depressed. I really wish I could help her, but sadly I can't. She has been doing everything for us lately. She started for the door.

"Rosa wait!"


"Why don't you call Ms. Mia and ask her to watch the kids for the day. You really need a break, you've been doing this for 2 weeks straight. Rosy you are exhausted, I can tell."

"Baby I'm trying my hardest to do everything on my own. I wanna be able to take care of the four of you."

"I know babygirl but sometimes you just gotta take a break and relax."

"I don't have enough time to take a break babe."

"Come here." Rosa walked over to where I was laying in bed and stood next to me. "Sit love." She sat down and I wrapped my arms around her. "I'm calling Ms. Mia. She's gonna take the kids, and today you are gonna relax. I'm not gonna ask for too much today. You've been working too hard princess, and you're gonna end up hurting yourself."

"Lyric I-"

"No ifs ands or buts princess! You are gonna spend the day relaxing!"

"I can't Lyr-"

"What did I just say? You're so lucky I just had this surgery, because if I didn't I would be chasing around the house tickling you."

"NO!!!!!!" Rosa hated being tickled. I always thought it was cute, so I tickled her when she was really mad, or being super sarcastic. It was always a good way to make her smile and laugh.

"I won't babygirl I promise."

"Baby you know I don't like being tickled." she said pouting.

"I know love, I'm sorry."

"Can I have a kiss to make it better?"

"I will kiss you as soon as you stop Matty from crying."

"OH MY GOD! MOMMY'S COMING MATÍAS!" I laughed as she ran out of the room. Rosa was an amazing mother. She was an amazing wife! Hell! She was an amazing person! She loved everyone unconditionally, no matter what issues she had with them. For example, Rosa's stepmother, Alana,  just had her baby, and Rosa bought them a gift. She has always had the kindest heart, she just has habit of showing it to the wrong people. I mean she even called Jeremiah in prison on his birthday.

"Mama?" I looked down to see Luke staring up at me with tears in his eyes.

"What's wrong baby?" He shoved his finger into my face.

"I got a paper cut Mama." I got up and attempted to walk to the bathroom. "Do you need help Mama?" Luke said wiping away tears.

"You could hold my hand if you want Luke, it would help both of us."

"Okay Mama." Luke grabbed my hand and we walked to the bathroom. I quickly grabbed some bandages and some peroxide and cleaned up Luke's finger.

"Would you like to choose which band-aid you want Luke?"

An Almost Fairy Tale [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now