Chapter One

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The first time I saw him was at a grocery store on the 5th street. He was wearing everything black, covering his face. He was yelling at the cashier to give him the money. The alarm was ringing and everyone was running. The gun shots fired real close to me and I knew I should move away but I just couldn't stop staring at him. The way he dodged the bullets that were fired at him and how he grabbed his victims and shot them in the head. He moved like a snake. As I stood there and stared, our eyes met for the first time. I sensed the smile on his lips behind the black mask that was covering his face from the nose and down to the chin. And then he was gone.

Never once did I stop thinking about him and that moment our eyes met. I fantazised about meeting him again even though I knew it would never happen. And if it would happen, I'm almost sure that he wouldn't recognize me.

I was shopping for groceries when I heard a voice I knew. It was him. I ran to the counter and saw him running out. I ignored the sobbing cashier, who was a girl probably around the age 15, and ran out. I looked in both directions and saw him take a running turn to the alley by the clothing store. I ran after him. I ran as fast as I could. I don't know why I did it , but I just knew that I needed to talk him. That charming man that just wouldn't get out of my head. When I got to the alley he had slowed down. „Hey!" I yelled after him. I saw how he turned his head to me, shocked and ready to run. „Wait, no! I'm not here to turn you in" He stopped and looked at me, a little shocked and surprised. I felt the butterflies in my stomach. Why were they there anyways? He took the mask away from his mouth. „Then why'd you stop me?" . That question surprised me. I hadn't thought this through. „'m..not sure.." I saw how his face turned into one of those faces I made when mom was nagging that I should clean my room. I realised that I just made a big fool of myself. I was just about to turn around and run away when he said „You were by the 5th street, weren't you?". I nodded my head up and down. „I remember you" he said „You weren't running like anyone else, you weren't scared" I didn't know what to say now so I just stood there quietly while he looked at me. Obviously checking me out. He was like a detector. His eyes ran up my thighs and onto my breasts as they lifted with my heavy breathing. My lips create a small opening as I let the air in and out. „Jake" I looked at him with a question mark on my face. „My name is Jake" he put out his hand and I shook it. „Margaret." „That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" The butterflies went crazy and moved onto my cheeks so they were red like apples. He laughed a little. „Follow me". And that's what I did.

He took me to a tall and fancy office building. „Why are we here?" I asked. „I'm showing you my office" He said and walked in. I just stood there and looked at the building again. He owned a company? So many questions burned on my mind but they weren't going to be answered unless I followed him. The place was so fancy. „I didn't know that..." „I had a job?" he cut in front of me. He laughed. „C'mon, I'll show you what I do for a living"


Murders in the city.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя