Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The gasp that emerged from Unise's mouth must have been heard by everyone. Her hands covered her face and she stood and made her way over to Melora.

"An ice butterfly? Pale blue and adventurous?"

"Yes!" Melora exclaimed. "I was calling for her when your grandson found me. I named her Cinna. She somehow guided me and I seem to be able to communicate with her. It is strange, I must say."

"You are the one."

Confusion clouded the girl's eye sight. "What are you talking about?"

Unise smiled warmly, moving further toward Melora. "The one who can defeat Elavier. There are two people needed – one who can control heat and fire, the other who is in great companionship with the ice butterflies. We'd already found the fire..."

"Grandma!" Phyrgan cut in. "I don't think she needs to hear all of this and..."

"Hush, boy. It is important for her to know. Melora, you are the one who is with the ice butterflies," Unise said.

Melora hesitated before saying, "You mentioned finding the fire person. Who is it?"

"Haven't you already guessed?" the older lady winked, "It's Phyrgan."

Her eyes drifted to the man she'd just met, taking in his flame coloured hair and muscular body. He looked exactly like someone who would defeat evil. "Yes, I suppose it does make a lot of sense. What now?"

Nobody spoke, only looking at each other, waiting for another person to come up with an idea, or to explain more about this whole fiasco.

"That's your reaction to this entire thing?" Phyrgan finally quizzed. "Not shock or running away?"

"Why would I do that? I want Elavier stopped just as much as the next person, if not more. I know what he can do and what he has done. Who is better to do that than the person who has watched it all with her own eyes? I'm ready for this. If I have the capacity and capability to do this, he won't hurt anyone anymore. Like I said, I'm ready. Are you?" Melora threw back, raising an eyebrow and Phyrgan.

"Yes," he replied, "I think I am."

"Then let's get going," Unise clapped her hands together and sat down in the chair again. "Now that you two have met and become acquainted, the games have begun. Elavier will sense a threat in his power and will be searching for you, not that he wouldn't have been already, since you escaped Melora. You won't have long. Everything must be done quickly and without fail. Our fate lies in your hands."

"Elavier felt threatened before I left. I'm a threat to him, so he killed my mother in front of me to try and get me to stay. Unise, Elavier isn't what most people think he is. He's an ice-controlling shape-shifter who will stop at nothing to gain power over everything," Melora started, sharing a look with Phyrgan. This was clearly news to the older lady.

"I knew about the ice controlling, but not shape-shifting," Unise's voice was startled.

"Nobody else does. I was the only person who knew until I told you guys. But there's one more thing I know which Elavier doesn't know I know," Melora's words came out confused and jumbled.

Phyrgan caught her drift and said, "Go on."

"He can't survive without ice and winter. Cinna told me in one of our daily meetings. She came to see me every day," she blurted. "I don't know how she knew, but somehow she did. Obviously, the ice butterflies have a part to play in this quest. What is it?"

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