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After several pushes and shoves and grunts and groans, the trunk was locked shut. The letter had so many folds and creases from all the times Emma had reread it; had fallen asleep with it tucked under her arm, or had simply held it to feel a sense of home. She missed her home. But that wasn't where she was going. 

She quickly grabbed her wand from her bed before dragging her trunk out of the dormitory behind her. 

"Finally ready?" asked Draco, who was leaning against the back of an armchair with his arms crossed. He was dressed in his usual rich boy clothes - his suit, blazer,  polished leather shoes, and an expensive looking coat wrapped around his arm. His shiny, black trunk was already beside him all ready to go. "It's true what they say about women - you lot really do take your time."

"So what exactly does your family do for Easter?" Emma said, ignoring him. She kept walking, knowing that he would quickly follow. 

"Noth- er - we don't really do anything. Not much, anyway," he replied, stumbling as he rushed to catch up to her. He cursed at one of the dungeon steps when he tripped. "I don't even really eat chocolate eggs. What's this Muggle nonsense about a giant bunny who poops out these chocolate eggs and hides them in your garden? Do you believe in it?"

"You're asking me if I believe in a giant bunny who poops chocolate eggs?" Emma chuckled. She looked down awkwardly as she passed Daphne and Astoria, who were standing near the Great Hall, whispering. They both looked at her, both with looks that could mean anything. From what Emma could fathom, Daphne was pitiful and Astoria was her usual jealous self. "I'm surprised Astoria's kept her big mouth shut all this time."

"Daphne must be keeping her under control," Draco said quietly. 

"Maybe it's you who keeps her under control."


"Well, she's obviously crazy about you. She probably thinks hurting me would hurt you," Emma shrugged, looking away when she felt her face heat up. "Me, though, I think she hasn't got it in her. I don't think she's a bad person. She just can't handle not getting what she wants, but . . . I know she's got a big heart."

Draco only sighed. "You're too good to people, Emma. Especially people like Astoria."

"People like Astoria?" Emma laughed. "How Astoria acts isn't who she really is. I know it. You'll see."

"Well, I don't really want to see, so . . . Anyway, d'you think you'll see your dad? You are going to the Weasleys' aren't you?"

"I'm hoping he'll be there," Emma nodded. "I wish I could write you over the holiday."

"Now that would be a terrible idea," Draco reminded her. 

"I know."

"Emma," he said, his voice sincere. Emma stopped walking when he did, her heart thumping out of control at the sound of her name. Draco was staring at her, every piece of emotion gone. "I just want you to know that all this time, even if it might've seemed otherwise, I -"

"Well if it isn't my two favourite lovebirds!" a voice cried. 

Emma shrieked when she felt herself lurching forward, a heavy weight was sending her towards the ground, slowly she bent, before the arm around her shoulder loosened and she was pulled back up. Blaise was grinning, one arm around Emma, and the other around Draco. Draco looked annoyed as ever. 

"I'll be third wheeling with you two."

Emma furrowed an eyebrow and raised a finger, saying, "well, technically it wouldn't be considered third wheeling, since Draco and I -"

Cessation ⌁ Draco Malfoy [3/4] ✔Where stories live. Discover now