chapter 3

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Jake's pov

"Hey angel sorry you half to see my ugly face.""I-Its fine" she sead as she blushed. man why dose she get this way when I show up? Ehh dosent matter. She is my only friend and I need her help. "So have you found error sans yet?" "No he hasent shown up" dam oh well." So what you reading?" She posed "a book" "no shit Sherlock" "w-well do you want to read it?" "No just making small talk" she stopped reading and looked at me "you gained more L.O.V.E. didn't you" "none of your business" the less she new the better she is so kind and sweet if she new what I do.... "just tell me you got anoler human soul" dam she gets to the point real quick " yes how do you do that? Know when I have a human soul?" "Just a feeling" she sead smiling I passed her the soul in the container "so? Can you help her?" "Yes her soul will come back human and not possessed why do you care any way?" "She can free the monsters and help them out" "why do you care?" "I don't" dam why is she so nosy about this so what everyone deserves a happy ending even if I can't get it. "Well anyway she will be back to normal tomarow so you going to bring her back?" "Yes" I go to leave then I see her a gen "hey you know I think you would look cuter with shorter hair" she blushed and sead "w-why would you say that?" "Well you look lonely and I would like to see you happy with someone" she looks flustered by that. I walked out dam she could be weard at times.

Angles pov

Dume ass.

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