Angels pov
When Jake left I went back to my book before I remembered that he wasn't there. I set it down and began to concentrate and saw a sans attack a tem.... What? That's weard I guess I should check it out with my one book. I grabbed the book of commen sans (why is almost every sans in love with puns? Why?) As I was looking I saw the sans that attacked the tem. Dam it's Mafia sans why is he here did his time expire from when he attacked swap sans? I do to know but Jake should not fight him. It would cause menny MENNY problems to the alliance. Dam he is helping the tem out and the tem told him about mafia. Oh thank god he didn't go and try to find him but I wonder about suicide point.... Why is that place his favorite place to be. Heh oh well I need to find out some thing from error. "Hey error I need help" error appears "yEs AngLe What dO yOu nEeD?" Is Mafia sans time up? Can he come back?" "weLl i DoNt KnOw.... I wIll aSk iNk lAtEr" "thanks um... You should probably leave Jake is coming back right now" "Dose HE sTiLl ThInk i KiLlEd hIs brOthEr?" "......" "i TaKe That As a YeS wEll GoOd bY" error left Jake wasn't really coming by yet. It I needed to think why would Mafia attack a tem. And why would error go to Ink for help. I need to figure out what in the world is going on. Error won't kill this place because of me so why would he ask ink for help. Ink creates the AU's they are natural enimies so why..... And why would Mafia attack a tem. It's all confusing.

undertail AU mix Up
Фанфикin this story if follows a man named jake who is half skeleton and dosent know his parents. one day he found his brother dead at the feet of error sans (( the story is a au oc place if you want your oc in it pleas send me a description of them and h...