Chapter 25

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Ara's POV

"Hey there, Princess" Cole says. I look at him standing in the doorway, shaking a bag of what I can only hope is fast food.

"And that's our cue to scadaddle," Thomas says. He stands up and walks straight up to Cole and stares him down, "No funny business, Williams."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Cole states and looks over and winks at me.

"Hey! Hey! Is that a wink, mister! Don't make me drag you out of this hospital," Thomas jabs his finger into Cole's chest. I roll my eyes.

"Dude, relax. What do you think I'm gonna do, she's strapped into a hospital bed with wires freaking everywhere. Plus I'm pretty sure Carter's got cameras in here," Cole points up at the wall and my eyes automatically jump to where he's pointing. My eyes widen.

"Carter freaking Jenson!" I scream at the camera, "What happened to privacy!"

"You were kidnapped Ara, you're not getting any privacy for the rest of your life." Scott states.

 Thomas turns back to face  Cole and points two fingers at him, "I'm watching you Williams."

"Hope you're enjoying the show!" Cole responds. Thomas gives him the evil eye and walks out the door.

Scott and Ryder hug me goodbye and Scott hugs Cole on the way back. Both warn him of not having too much fun and wave goodbye.

I can't stop staring at the cameras. 

"Babe, you alright?" Cole comes over and touches my forehead. I shake my head and my hands are shaken as I grab my phone and call Carter. He answers on the second ring.

"Hey Ara, is everything okay?" Carter asks.

"No Carter, I can't have all these cameras pointed at me all the time. It, it freaks me out. It's making me feel anxious, like I have to watch my every move, and someone else is watching my every move, it's like I'm back on that stupid island and I just, i can't so can you please get rid of them, please" I start into and anxious ramble and here carter make soothing sounds.

"Okay, okay Ara, I'll shut them off. I'll come up with something else to make sure you're safe. I'm sorry. Look, look at one of the cameras now, I'm gonna turn it off, you'll see the red light go off," Carter says and I watch the one directly in front of me spin off to face away from me and then see the red light go off.

"How many were there?" I ask, incredulously.

"Seven. I had direct access to them through my phone. Sorry, Ara. Didn't think they'd be a trigger for you. Just want to make sure you're safe," Carter says solemly.

I take a deep breath and talk softly, "Carter. You lot have not left me alone for a single second. If I wasn't safe, everyone would be here within ten seconds."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. We can talk about this more tomorrow. Just relax and enjoy your evening with Cole," Carter insists.

I sigh, "okay. Bye. Love you,"

"Love you too, Ara." Carter hangs up.

"I swear he will give me a heart attack one day," I mutter and then look up to stare at my boyfriend.

I sigh, "sorry, Cole. Sorry I'm such a mess."

"You're beautiful," Cole simply says.

"Liar," I accuse and lean forward to kiss him. We pull apart and he places the bag on my lap. 

"Hope you're hungry, love," Cole states and I open the bag and inhale the wonderful smell of burgers and onion rings.

"Famished," I grin. We picnic on the hospital bed and enjoy each other's company. With me out of it for what seems like forever, it's been too long since we've just spent a good chunk of time together.

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