Chapter 12

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Cole's POV
The Big Apple. NYC. The last time I was here was when I was twelve and Dad dragged us all down here for some charity ball. It was terrible. Will had gotten pneumonia and I ended up taking care of him in the hotel room. This time will be different.

We decide to head to get some food before we go to the MoMA since we're a little early.

Royce has the restaurant shut down for us and we are the only ones in this high end place. I'm too wired to eat. I mindlessly chew on some bread just to say I ate.

Before I know it we're standing on the steps of the museum. My heart is racing in my chest as we enter and are immediately greeted.

"Mr. Williams," A scholarly looking middle aged man rushes forward to greet me the second we enter the building. He shakes me hand excitedly, "we are so very excited about your works. Is this your group?"

I turn my head and see everyone glancing around the entrance, "yeah, these are my... people."

"Excellent, now if you all will follow me," the man starts walking briskly, "I am Doctor Donald Stevenson. I am many things, including an expert art historian. I work here at the MoMA as well as at Columbia University. Come this way, I'll take you to the area where we will be exhibiting Mr. Williams' paintings."

Royce steps forward and starts asking a bunch of questions. I try and take in as much of the museum as I can as we pass through. It is insane to think that my work will be hanging here alongside iconic pieces I've been studying for years.

Dr. Stevenson makes an abrupt stop. It appears we are somewhere in the middle of the museum on the second floor.

He points to a blank gallery right at the center.

"Your pieces are the new crowning glory of the museum, Mr. Williams. We haven't seen anything like them. How many did you bring with you?"

"I mean, I brought eight pieces, but I'm sure-" I start but Dr. Stevenson cuts me off.

"Eight pieces!" He exclaims excitedly, "Can I see them now?"

I cough, "yeah, of course,"

Three of the guards bring forward the crates we carefully placed the works in. Each piece had been enclosed in a glass case and Royce had bought temperature controlled containers.

"This way," Dr. Stevenson leads us into a large laboratory area, "here is where we touch up paintings and analyze them. My team are actually out at lunch right now, but they should be back soon. I know they'd love to meet you. Let's see those paintings shall we?"

The boxes are placed on the table and Scott steps forward to help Dr. Stevenson open the boxes.

The first painting opened was one of Will playing football. Ara always loved that one and I finished it a few days ago. I offered it to Will and he told me to put it in the gallery. I'm titling it "Will" because people should at least know it's him.

The second one is the one I made for Jason's birthday. He offered to have it placed in the exhibit so more people could enjoy it. I'm titling it "Jason" because it was for him.

The next one they pull out is of Grandpa and Grandma making lemonade in their kitchen. Grandma is holding a lemon in one hand and has her other hand on Grandpa's arm. Grandpa is holding a bowl of sugar in one hand and is stirring the lemonade in the other. There are some spare lemons and the open box of sugar on the counter. I'm calling it "Love."

The next one is of the view off the cliff I had wanted to take Ara too but didn't because I was worried she'd trip and fall of the edge. Seems like such a silly worry now. I make a mental note to take her there when she gets back. I'm calling it "Boston." Yeah, I know, I'm not very good at naming things.

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