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"what're you thinking about, less?" the aforementioned looks over at the man that was speaking as he plays with the strands of short curly hair fallen into her face. him, imagining what she would look like if she decides to grow her hair out. she could, if he simply asked. she could do many things to alter her appearance to his liking.

he tilts his head, pushing his brown glasses further up his nose with his unoccupied hand as he patiently waits for her to give a response to his question. he asks due to the distant look in her expression, as if she were dealing with another reality as she sits next to the mortal on the bench currently observing the divinity in her lax stature.

less gazes into the humans orbs, switching from one eye to the other as she studies his eyes. she sees everything she needs to see in just a pair of plain brown eyes; love, trust, companionship. she frowns when she notices fear become evident, shifting the brown into a faint yellow. unnoticeable at first glance, but she was staring. upon realizing the change in her expression the same time as he does, the color changes to a medium gray, confusion settling in.

she looks away and turns back to her previous position peering over at the daises swaying to the rhythm of the wind and listening to the soft melody strummed by near birds. less calls out to the human, "yoongi," earning a small hum in response. he rests his arm against the backrest of the bench where they sit, placing his head on his closed fist. he's mesmerized, eyes trained on such a mystical being in his presence. she smells of lilacs where she goes, feels of cherry blossoms where she stands, and looks of roses that bloom in winter—no, more than roses, a divine goddess that can't be defined by human design so therefore she is, less.

"why does it rain?"

her question was quiet, her droopy eyes lowering to a butterfly that safely lands on the binding of the light green notebook in her lap. her question was abnormal to anyone else, but normal for the brunet next to her.

he looks away. taking a deep breath as he ponders on what would be a good answer to her innocent anomaly. "well," yoongi starts, leaning over as he moves his index finger to the winged insect and allowing for it to crawl onto the back of his hand. it tickles, the human growing fond of the creature. "i think...because everyone is so sad in this world that it has to go somewhere."

the both of them watch as the butterfly swiftly leaps off his hand and flows with the current of the wind. then they're turning toward each other. he smiles when they make eye contact. the left eye changes this time, a golden yellow masking the brown. there was something that he wasn't telling her, but the color of his eyes give hints. thinking the prolonged eye contact was a cue, yoongi leans forward until he's stopped by her words.

"what is on your mind, yoongi?" her question has the brunet moving back, startled. he tries not to make any sign physically, but he was oblivious of the changes going on within his eyes. this time to a coral pink. he was flustered, mind reeling over the letters that form sentences to try and make sense of an excuse to use.

the question throws him off. he's so used to his world revolving around less that his brain short circuits once the attention is put onto him. usually whenever she'd ask about anything in his world he could answer, but this was the first she was directing the conversation onto yoongi's personal thoughts. the first time anyone has done so with actual concern in their voice. it makes him confused at first, unsure why a goddess was interested in anything a mer human expresses through emotions that not even themselves could fathom.

yoongi clears his throat, fingers fiddling in his lap. she takes note of the shift in his behavior, something the human is unaware of. she may not be able to read the mortals mind, but she was good at sensing change in body language.

"just...how much i care about you." he glances her way, a short smile forming at his mouth. less knows he's lying, body shifting forward to get him to look back at her. one eye white, one eye yellow. his eyes changing color confirms her suspicion. she sighs, turning her head.

she really hates when he lies to her.

she stands up after placing the notebook onto the bench beside her, informing the human that it was time for her to leave. yoongi's face falls.

she's stopped by his hand, firm grip around her wrist to keep her here. in this presence. "wait, you can't leave yet! you-you just got here." he shakes his head rapidly, new negative thoughts spurt into his mind of what is to come once she parts.

she looks down at the mortal, then eye level once he stands up. he quietly begs her to stay, just for a little longer. her hand comes up to his face, feeling the coldness that he has yet to sense. she looks around then back at him. the longer she stays, the longer it will take for him to detach from what can not be with him forever. she is aware of what will happen if she continues to allow yoongi to live in a fantasy, it will hurt him each time. the color crimson this time floating in his orbs.

she didn't just appear into his world, they've been sitting on that bench for two hours. to the human, it felt like 15 minutes.

he pushes her hand down and pulls less into a hug. hold tightening as his head nestles into her neck. he hugs her tighter and tighter until there was nothing left to squeeze. he stumbles forward, eyes opening to peer down at the plethora of sakura flowers that painted his hands and arms as they pour down the front of his brown coat. he steps back, watching the once vibrant pinks wilt into bitterness. his eyes scan around him. he's returned back to the weather in his world, the harsh winds of the winter making him push his black scarf over his mouth and nose.

there was no birds singing. no more flowers blooming. the pond was iced over. the trees bare, the sky grey and ugly. he quickly wipes away the tears from his cheeks with the sleeves of his coat before they turn into icicles.

he fixes his glasses and grabs the notebook left behind by the divinity, securing the notebook in between his right arm and placing his hands in the pockets of his jacket. he walks away from the park bench, snow lightly covering the top.

meaning of the colors

white = lying (white lie)

yellow = caution/fears

brown = how he genuinely feels about less. (his natural eye color)

coral = flustered

red = hurt

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