CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR: Fabulous Promises

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Once we arrive back at Berkeley time flies, for me it is just a crazy mash of work, classes and parties. The biggest party thrown on Greek Row has to be New Years. The whole street erupts, every house is involved and it is basically a giant, freezing street party. We spend the night hopping between the Greek houses until midnight when every resident of Greek Row end up out on the street counting down to the New Year.

With Eddie really busy with classes I really only see him when he spends the night at Delta or I spend the night at Beta. We spend time together on the weekends when I'm not working and we attend every one of Troy's basketball games.


Eddie embraces his new class load and really seems to be enjoying his pre-law classes. Even though it makes him really busy I am proud of him. At the beginning of February Tom and I head to the basketball game with Eddie in class it is just the two of us. 

"So Sam, Eddie's birthday is next week. What have you got planned?" Tom asks as we start our walk to the indoor basketball courts.

"Well it's Valentines and Eddie is taking me out for dinner but –"

"It's his birthday and he is taking you out? What about a present?"

"I don't know!" I exclaim.

"Ok calm down."

"It is just what the hell do you buy a guy who can get anything he wants?"

"You talking about the Thompson trust funds?"

"Kat told you?"

"Yeah, it is intimidating having a girlfriend who has more money than I'll ever earn in my entire life," Tom laughs, "starting to think I should try and go pro with the baseball and give up on music and art."


"Yeah that's what I said, I could go pro if I wanted..."

"No, ART!"

"Sam I'm not really following you..."

"Tom you are a genius!"

"Well that is obvious, feel like explaining?"

"Art! Eddie loves comics. I'm going to create a comic book!"

"Ha! About what?"

"Us. Him and me, I'm going to write our story and then do all the art."

"Cute idea, Sammy, I'm sure he'll love it."

That is it! A comic book, tomorrow I get to work.

"Oi Taylor! YOU GORGEOUS PIECE OF ASS! Wait up!"

"Who the –" I turn about to punch whoever is yelling at me but I'm scooped up into Eddie's arms, "Edward!"

Tom laughs, "I'll leave you two lovebirds. I'm going to go find Kat."

"Why on earth are you yelling things at me in public?"

"Oh Samantha, I could yell a lot worse." Eddie holds me in his arms and I wrap my legs around his waist. I don't even care who is looking at us for a split moment it is just he and I. Eddie and Sam.

Our lips break apart, "we should go sit the game is probably about to start. How was your first pre-law class?"

We begin to walk inside and find the others.

"I loved it!"

"Oh Eddie that is great!"

"Yeah it isn't going to be too hard pleasing my dad. The class is really interesting and we basically just get to argue, and who doesn't love that? In fact we have out first debate next week."

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