My lover

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LiLi's pov

"Hi Lili" Nyah waved."Hi Nyah" I said to my best friend. Well let me introduce my self. My name is LiLi LeAnn Johnson. I'm 16 years old and I love playing volleyball, soccer and sometimes football. My favorite artists are Justin Bieber, One Direction, Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Rihanna and so many more. "So you're birthdays coming up and I got you a little something" Nyah said pulling something out of her school bag. I looked closely and saw TWO JUSTIN BIEBER TICKETS! "OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU" I screamed hugging her. "I know I'm the best" I looked at them and saw the date was in two days. "Tomorrow we're going shopping for outfits" Nyah smiled. We ran off to our classes saying goodbye to each other. The time passed by quick and next thing I know I'm putting my books in my locker. "I can't wait to go to the concert" I squealed. "Me either, well I gotta go see ya" she walked off. I closed my locker and went towards the doors. I walked out into the parking lot. I opened the door to my jeep and got in. I threw my school bag in the back seat and put the keys in the ignition. A few seconds later the engine roared to life. I turned the radio on and the song was "All That Matters by Justin Bieber". I started singing while driving. A few minutes later I was pulling in the driveway to my mansion that my family lives in. I grabbed my school bag and jumped out of the car. I locked the car and went up the steps to the house. I got out the house key and unlocked the door. "IM HOME" I shouted through the house taking off my shoes, putting them by the door. "HEY SWEETIE" my mom yelled from the kitchen. I threw my school bag on the couch. I walked in the kitchen sitting down at the table. "Mom guess what?" I said excited. "What?" She said still cooking. "Nyah got me JUSTIN BIEBER TICKETS!" I screamed. "Oh that's nice" she said. "We're going shopping tomorrow and then after tomorrow is the concert, I'm so excited" I said. "Well I'm happy for ya but make sure you get home safely, don't talk to strangers-" "Mom I'm 16 I can handle it" I smiled hugging her. "Oh you're growing up so fast" I chuckled and walked upstairs to my room. I shut the door and jumped on my bed. I can't wait!

~Next Day~

"Don't tell me your my heartbreaker, cause girl my hearts breaking-" I shut my alarm off. "aghaghf" I said getting up. I know it's Saturday but I wanna be ready to go shopping, it's actually really hard to wake me up. I stretched and then walked to the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower. I got my favorite smelling shampoo which was strawberry. I washed my hair then washed my body. After I was done shaving and all that shit I got out and put a towel around me. I opened my bathroom door and went to my closet. I picked out a pair of denim shorts, live while we're young shirt, a pair of mustache socks and my all stars. I grabbed my Iphone 5c and texted Nyah,

From: LiLi

To: boo (Nylah)

Are you ready?

From: boo

Yeah, pick me up biatch

I laughed putting my phone in my pocket. "IM GOIN SHOPPING, BYE MOM, BYE DAD, BYE ANGELINA AND BOOGER FACE" I yelled walking towards the door. "BYE" they yelled. I grabbed my keys and headed out. I arrived to Nyah's house 10 minutes later. "CMON BIATCH" I yelled. "COMING" she ran out and got in the car. "LEGGO". We got to the mall 20 minutes later. We jumped out and ran inside. "Ooh look at this shirt" I said looking at a shirt that was purple and blue and had "Justin Bieber" in cursive. "I like this one" Nyah said looking at a shirt that was brownish/blackish and said "I WANT JUSTIN BIEBER TO FUCK ME" but the fuck was crossed off and underneath fuck it had LOVE. "Of course you would" I laughed and rolled my eyes. The rest of the day we just shopped and stuff. I drove Nyah home and then I went home. It was probably 8:00 when I got home. I took my shoes off and went upstairs. I put my bags by my closet. I took my shirt and pants off and got on shorts and a tank top. I put my phone on my nightstand and got under the covers. I fell asleep thinking about the concert.

~Day Of The Concert~

I woke up really early because I was way too excited. I stripped out of my clothes and jumped in the shower. I washed off and shit. After I was done I got out wrapping a towel around me. I went to my room and put the outfit on. To top it off I put on some Lipgloss, Mascara, Concealer and a little bit of Eyeshadow. I put on my "Never say Never" bracelet along with some others. I looked at the time and saw it was 11:00 and we go to the concert at 1:00. I went downstairs and saw everyone at the table eating breakfast. I grabbed some toast and some bacon. I ate that and went in the living room. I called Nyah and talked to her for awhile. I looked at the time and saw it was 12:30. Holy shit. I grabbed my keys, hugged everyone, said goodbye. "Don't forget to call us" "Mom it's a concert" I whined. "I know but-" "I gotta go, don't wanna be late" I said heading out the door. I drove to Nyah's house and got her. We sang along to Journals, the new album. We got there like 25 minutes later. We got out the car jumping and screaming. There was a HUGE line. After awhile we we're sitting in our seats, in the second row. 5 minutes later Justin came out. Nylah and I sang along to every song, lyric. Before I knew it the concert was sadly over, it felt like an hour but I checked the time and it was 5:00. "I don't wanna leave" I said. "ME EITHER" Nyah said. After people started filing out and it was less crowded, me and Nyah started walking out. I checked my pockets looking for my phone but I couldn't find it. "Nyah you go ahead I lost my phone" I said. "Okay" I went back to where we we're sitting and looked. "Oh Moms gonna kill me" I said to myself. "Looking for something?" I heard a raspy voice. I turned around to see Justin Fucking Bieber in front of me. "Y-Yeah my phone, I lost it" I said looking in his eyes. "Here I'll help you" he said. We looked around but finally Justin found it in his pants? "It was in my pants" he said taking it out. "Thanks?" I said. "No problem" he said. It got quiet. "Listen uh I was wondering, if you would wanna hang out?" He said nervously. "S-Sure, let me talk to my mom"

Hi it's my first story so vote please or whatever you don't have to but i hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!! xx

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