Chapter ocho

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Craig's POV

We turn around horrified. The man gets closer and closer to us. Me and Devin get up from the bushes and ran. We didn't see what was in front of us because we were looking back to see if the man was chasing us. I ran into something hard but soft. I look up and saw Kashes I sighed in relief when I saw him but then frowned when I saw he wasnt happy. He looked pissed........


Devin's POV


"i-im sorry, I was j-just-"

"just what being nosy" his voice lowered

Tears started brimming in my eyes. I shouldn't have did this, I shouldn't have been in his business. I heard laughing coming from the other direction. I look and saw that it was the guy that was chasing us. I pushed Trevor infront of me and hid behind him. Craig did the same with Kashes 

"Devin chill it's just my brother"

Trevor said chuckling

His brother,  His fucking brother, ugh I can't believe I didn't recognized him. Taylor what the fuck.

"Oh come on Tre it was funny seeing them run for their lives, aye Craig do that face again it was hilarious" Taylor said still laughing

"Shut the fuck up Taylor"

Then Kashes and Trevor turned their attention back to us looking angry again

"You two need to go home, NOW" Kashes yelled in our faces

"B-but-" Craig tried to protest but was cut off By loud music and motorcycle engines

We all turn our heads to where the loud music coming from. The guys that Trevor and Kashes were selling to ran off and some guys came out of the cars that were already here. The guys were from our school the always around Trevor and Kashes.

"Shit, Chris take them home" I hear Kashes say

"Trevor what's going" I said getting scared

The cars and motorcycles pulled up to where were were. 

"Okay baby listen to me I want you to go with Chris and when you get home go to the safe room okay" Trevor said kissing the top if my head

"Trevor what are you talking about,  please don't leave me, what's going on" I said with tears streaming down my face

"Devin it's okay just go with Chris"

I look over and saw Kashes hugging Craig for dear life but lightly pushes him towards Chris. Tears are coming down Craig's face more than mine. Chris comes over and grabs me from Trevor. We started walking and crying again.

"If I tell you to run, do it" Chris  said behind us

I heard yelling and arguing coming from the direction we just came from. I wanted to run back to Trevor but Chris was blocking me. Then it got quiet and I relaxed a little. Until I heard several loud gun shots.

"Run, NOW"

Craig grabbed my hand a pulled me towards the house. I couldn't even run, The tears just kept coming down. We arrived at the house with gun shots still loud in my ears. I snapped back into reality and ran to the basement with Craig. We sat in the corner and then heard footsteps. It was Chris  thank God.

"Here" he gave us a gun "If anyone unfamiliar comes down here then you should know what to do" then he left.

We were left in a cold basement scared to death. I don't even know what's happening, It all went so fast. But all I care about right now is seeing Trevor again……


I'm kind of late but I'm about to turn up for Harry's 20th birthday.... Yasssssss February 1 1994 , 12 o'clock better come soon.

okay I need to stop I'm too much of a directioner to be black tho.

But idgaf


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