Chapter Two - Unexpected Phone Calls

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I got more views than I expected so here's another chapter. 😂

Enjoy reading! 💘

Jerri's friend Christian, Nova, Michelle, Lania, and Jerri in the MM. 😻

- Maya 🌹

Walking through the front door of Arianna Jenson's condo, all I could focus on was one thing: the small bag of God's greatest plant sitting in my purse. After moping around over Jerri, I decided that all I want to do was smoke my life away.

I wouldn't necessarily consider myself a stoner, but I enjoyed smoking. I wasn't addicted or anything; I could stop whenever I wanted to. Being high just put me in another world, allowing me to forget about anything I'm going through at the moment.

I pulled out the small baggy of sour and began to crush it in my grinder. The smell of it alone gave me an instant calming feeling. I finished breaking it up and began the rolling process. I wasn't the best at rolling my blunts but it was good enough for me to get high so I didn't care. I lit the blunt, making sure to inhale at the same time, and felt all of my worries fly away.

After a few pulls, I put the blunt out and tucked away the rest for later. My high only lasts about two hours so I would smoke again when I came down from it.

I left the living room to search for Michelle and Nova, finding them sitting on a couch taking shots with a few other people.

"Nia, you drinking tonight?" One of the guys, Anthony, asked me. Everyone know I wasn't really a drinker. I preferred smoking because I was still able to have control over myself. I've never been drunk before but I do want to be at least one time.

"Uhhhhh, sure. I'll take a few shots." I'll make sure I don't get that drunk.


"Damn, her shit shaking."

"I want her."

"Go Nia, go Nia, go. Ayeeeee."

I rotated my hips and threw my ass in all types of circles as everyone formed a small circle around me, watching me dance. Of course I caught the mugs of the girls who's boyfriends couldn't take their eyes off me but I didn't care. I ain't do shit for anybody but myself.

One guy was bold enough to try and come behind me and that's when I knew my fun was over.

"Nigga, if you don't get your hands off me." I swatted at his hands and walked away. These boys swear they can just walk up to you and grind on you and you're supposed to just let them. Naaaaaah son, not I.

I walked over to where the girls and I's things were and picked up my phone just to check in with Mama. My lock screen lit up on my iPhone 7 plus and I read all the notifications.

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best friend 🌹
Missed Call 18 min ago

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Queen 👸🏾
iMessage 10:53 pm

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