Chapter 1: Jerri Who?

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Hey beautiful people. 👋🏾 Maya here and this is my first story on Wattpad. I've been reading on here for a few years now and I started this story a while ago so I figured I'd give it another try. I don't know if I'll be here for long, I guess it depends on the feedback and my motivation. I'm in school full time and I work too so just try to bear with me. 😭 Oh, and the cast members that are listed for the story aren't the actual cast. I'm going to change that as soon as I can.

Lmfao, here we go.

Picture of Lania in the MM. 😍


Chapter One

"Mom we're home!" I walked through the doors of the house I've lived in for eighteen years. I just got home from school with my best friend Michelle.

Michelle and I have been friends ever since I met her six years ago. I found her in a old abandoned house, scared and alone.

"Bye! See you later!" I shouted to my best friend Nova. It was a Friday and she was going home to pack her bags for a sleepover at my house this weekend. I can't wait!

I decided to take the long way home today. Stupid Jedidiah keeps messing with me every time I walk past his house and I don't want to deal with it today; I'm in a good mood.

I was on my way home but stopped short when I saw an old house. Everyone from school says that there is a little girl who lives in here. Apparently, her parents died a couple weeks ago and she's now living on her own, running away from every foster home they put her in. I decided to check it out. I want to be a detective when I get older so I might as well get a head start now.

I opened the door and it made a loud creaking sound. "Hello? Anyone here?" I said. I didn't hear anything but I did see a small figure in the corner of the room. I walked up closer and realized it was a girl. She was asleep.

"Hey.." I whispered and shook her but she didn't budge. "Excuse Me.." I said a little louder. "EXCUSE ME!" I shouted.

She jumped up and rubbed her eyes. "What?" she groaned.

"What are you doing lying here on the floor?" I asked softly.

She shot up and took a good look at me. She looked to be around my age. She had dark brown hair that was matted down. Her seemingly once brown eyes were drained and tired. Her clothes were ripped to shreds and she had deep bags under her eyes. She didn't respond. She merely stared at me.

I waved my hand in her face. "Helloooo? Anyone in there?" I tried joking to lighten up the mood but it didn't seem to work. She glared at me.

"Do I know you?" she spat.

Wow, this girl's feisty.

"I'm Nia. I live a couple blocks away from here. I go to school around the corner." I pointed in the direction I was talking about. She didn't say anything. "Can I get your name?"

"No" she snapped.

My mother always told me not to talk to strangers but she didn't seem like she would hurt me. I assumed she just needed someone.

"I promise I won't hurt you. I just want to help..." I said slowly.

"That's what everyone says. 'I just want to help.' But no one really cares. How can I even be sure to trust you?"

"How about I take you home with me and we get something to eat. My mom is cooking dinner." I lied. Well, it wasn't a complete lie. I wasn't exactly sure but I needed to say something to get her to come with me. She looked like she hadn't eaten in days so I used that.

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