Chapter 4 - Sleepover

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(A/N- This Chapter is dedicated to my first fan AnaHerrera0 and the reason why I'm even continuing this story )


After we finally got home from that eventful shopping trip. We all went round Kyla's place since her mum went on a business trip.

Selena: Sorry guys I gotta use the toilet

I went to the toilet did my business and then went back to the living room when I heard voices from my friends. They seemed to be in a heated conversation.

Kyla: Yeah totally Kylie! They both still love each other you can see it in their ey-

Before she could finish I walked in pretending I hadn't heard nothing.

PING! Goes Kyla's phone. She reads her phone and smirks. Uh oh.

Kyla: The boys are on their way

Selena: In that case. I'm out of here.

Ariana: NO! You have to stay come on please we

I look up to see all of them pouting

Selena: Fine!

YAY!!  They all squeal

We were in the middle of getting snacks ready for movie night when we heard the door go probably the pizza guy.

Kyla: Ariana get that. Me and Sel need to get changed.

Kyla shut the door. She got out her clothes then mine. I slept over here a lot when we were kids and still do.

Kyla: Here ~She throws the clothes at me~ Go get changed in the bathroom. I'll get changed in here.

I looked down at my outfit. Damn. I think I looked hot. I don't get why I had to change. This should do fine.

I walked downstairs and was met with Ryan,Christian,Alfredo and Jason and Cameron

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I walked downstairs and was met with Ryan,Christian,Alfredo and Jason and Cameron. Kyla was staring at Ryan while Ariana and Cameron were making out.

Hey guys!

All heads snapped towards me. The boys jaws dropped. Cameron laughed at the sight but also dropped his jaw when he saw me. Was i that ugly?

I walked next to Kyla and sat down. We sat on the right end while the rest took the middle of the sofa up and then on the left end Jason and Ryan.

Kyla: Hey guys me and Sel are gonna go get some snacks for the movie.

After we got the snacks like Chocolate bars, Hershey kisses, Coke, Popcorm, Sour Patch. We were just waiting on the pizza.. After that came we all cuddled up on the sofa.

Ariana: After the movie I wanna play a game.

Yeah! We all agreed.


I hate my life. It was of course a scary movie. Mama to be exact. Ryan had Kyla cuddled in his chest. Ariana was laying her head on Cameron and Christian and Jason were just watching it like it was nothing. I was so scared right now. I pulled the blanket up and hugged my knees to my chest.

I felt the sofa sink next to me. I saw Jason wink at me. He came closer and whispered
I'm here babe.

He pulled his arms around me and pulled the cover up. His arms was wrapped around my waist securely and my butt was pressed up against him. My eyes slowly shut. I felt safe. I felt like I was in Heaven.


I was to tired to open my eyes but I could hear talking.

I'll take her up. Kyla said were all sleeping over anyway. You take Kyla up. Christian take up Kendall and Ariana and Cam and I'll take up this beauty. A voice which I recognized to be Jason's.

I stirred a bit and I heard other stirs and groans to. My eyes fluttered open. We all fell asleep except the boys.

Jason: Ah! We were just about to put u guys in bed.

Ariana: NO! Not yet! I have a game first

Fine.  We all groaned knowing how persuasive Ariana was.

Ariana: OK. Truth or dare Ryan.

Ryan: Truth

Ariana: Are u gay? We all burst out laughing. Falling down and crying because it was so funny how straight up she was

Ryan: God no. The fuck did that come from?

Ariana: Just saying. Never know. But anywhere Jason Truth it dare?

Jason: I'll go dangerous. Dare.

Ariana: I dare you to kiss Selena.

Those six words made my heart drop.



What do u think of the story now?

Cliffhanger! Update tommorow??

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