Chapter 1 - Last Day of the Winter Break

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Everything was crazy in the house. Lexi had finally decided to eat her baby food after what felt like 30 days. Considering she was only
7 Months, she had extremely loud sobs

Selena: Mum your baby won't stop crying.

Mum: She is your blood you know.

Selena: I know -Picks Lexi up- Hello there sis. Let's give you to mama

Mum: How about no. I just fed that little monster. Your dad wants to talk to you both anyway. Go see him.

Selena: Alright, but if I'm introuble I'm blaming everything on Cameron.

Mum: Oh leave poor Cammy alone! He's 19 now, your 17 not far behind ,and he's getting ready to move out soon. Treasure the time you have with him while you still have it. Now SHOO! Mama needs some rest 😂

~Both laugh. Selena walks out with Lexi~

Selena walked to the living room to find her Father watching the NBA games with Cameron. They were just laughing at how bad a player was and shouting things like SCORE STUPID!!

~Cough Cough~

Dad: Oh hello hunny, hello sweet pea ~Takes Lexi~

Selena: Hi dad,hey bro What's hatnin? (See what I did there)

Cameron: Nothing but um Sel... Dad wanted to speak with you.

Selena: Oh yeah! Dad what did you wanna say?

Dad: I got a call from the school. Your going back tommorow so go get your new clothes and stuff. ~Hands $250~ Go now! Shoo!

Selena: Hey! Only mom does that. I'm gonna call Kyla. She'd love the mall. Oooo and Kylie . Oooo And Ariana Oooo and..

Cameron: Wait. Ariana? Surname?

Selena: Summers. Why?

Cameron: Oh. Can I talk to you outside please. You know what I'll come with you to the mall. Bye MOM , bye dad. Bye Bunny. ~Pecks Lexi's Lips~

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