Third Wheel

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"SHORTY! what pizza do you want" 

"Whatever you want" As Sawyer orders our pizza I am in charge of picking the first movie. Every weekend we have a sleepover just cuddle eating pizza and movies, nothing could possibly go wrong.

I assume wrong as Sawyer's brother Adym enters into the house. "I'M HOME!!!" He was walks straight pas the family room oblivious of everything around him. I decide to get up and walk to the kitchen and get a drink "Saw do we have much of the ice tea left ?" Completely ignoring the presence of Adym i go to the top shelf to reach for a glass. 

As usual i'm still not tall enough to reach i try and jump but still not able to reach it as i land i lose balance then I feel two hands on my hips, I get a funny feeling in my stomach i turned thinking it was Saw but it was Adym. "I got you princess" Adym whispers having his lips right near my ear making my legs shake. 

My Best Friends Brother (Adym Yorba)Where stories live. Discover now