chapter 25

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Alex's pov

I looked horrified at the lifeless body of Britt that laid right in front of me. she really looked dead. the man wheeled me closer to her and sighed before saying he'll leave me alone with her. I scooted myself closer to Britt and just looked at her. I kept my hands in my lap afraid that if I touch her, she'll break into tiny pieces. she had a tube thing running from her nose to a machine thing that was right next to her. her face was as pale as a ghost and her lips were a soft pink and looked really dry.

her left shoulder faced me and looked like it had a huge lump on it. I slowly raised my hand and moved the fabric of the dress thing she was wearing. I pulled it back and down her shoulder a bit and saw a bandage wrapped on her shoulder. I gasped at the blood that was coming out of it. the outside was a dry bright red color and the middle looked like fresh dark blood.

I pulled the fabric back up her shoulder and leaned back. I also noticed that there was a heavy looking white bandage wrapped around her arm. I took in a big breath and shook Britt's other arm that wasn't wrapped up. she felt cold as I touched her arm. I shook her again and harder this time. why isn't she waking up??

I started to get a bit worried so I sat there and just shook her arm like crazy for a full minute and stopped when she did nothing. I put my arm on the edge of the bed and my forehead pressed against it. I shut my eyes as I felt some tears weld up in my eyes. I kept repeating she's dead, she's dead in my head... but she cant be. before I new it.. pitch black was all I saw.  


Britt's pov

am I dead? I thought in my mind as I tried to move around but I just couldn't. what it lizzie got me and I'm trapped! I tried moving around again and I finally was able to move my arm from side to side until I hit something.

I groaned ripping my eyes opening but quickly closing them due to a bright light shinning right down on my face. I tried opening my eyes a little bit until they got use to the light. I turned my head towards the thing I hit and saw a girl laying there with her head on the edge of the bed.

she had curly brown hair and was in a black chair. I elbowed the girl and she shoot up from her spot after elbowing her a few times. its Alex! I smiled at her and she did the same. I noticed that she was wearing the same dress thing as me but she didn't have a white bandage wrapped around her arm.

I groaned when I got a wave of pain come over me in my left shoulder. I looked at it and noticed a bandage sticking out of the sleeve of the dress. my stomach began to feel weird also... I think I need something to eat. I looked back over at Alex who looked at me with panic.

"w-where are w-we?" I asked her sounding weak.

she shrugged her shoulders and held up one finger. she moved her self in the chair which had wheels and went to the door and opened it. she leaned out of the door way and motioned for some one to come in. I sat up a little bit alerted to who ever she was calling in. a tall old looking man walked in with a long white coat and smiled at me.

"well hello there. happy to be a wake?"

I gave the man a confused look. "how long have I been asleep?"

"for a good 2 weeks. same with miss Jessica." the man replied looking down at his clip board.

"oh.." I never slept for that long before.. wow.

"yes indeed. well I'll go get your assigned doctor since your probably dying to know your condition." I nodded my head not really knowing what he meant by 'condition'. "alright. I'll be back soon. excuse me"

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