chapter 36

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Britt's pov

I stared at Alex's doctor not knowing what to do or say. I think I have already said enough. I should just leave before I do say anything...

"well..." he walked over towards the door and closed it shut and walked over towards where I was. "go on."

"well.... um..... uh. I.... I-I cant really tell you"

"i'm not trying to pressure you into telling me, but it is information that I need to know"

I looked over at him and saw that he had a serious look on his face. I guess we would have to tell someone someday. I just don't want it to be today and the fact that max definitely didn't want me to tell, Alex probably wouldn't want me to tell anyone either.. I sighed at him but still didn't say anything. what if I did tell them and Alex never wants to speak to me again? what if they both turn against me and i'm basically all alone. I know for a fact that Alex would be really super pissed if I told anyone anything about her... I don't know what to do. I heard him sigh which made my head snap up at him.

"Jordan.." he said quietly and finally looked at me back. "I do notice things. the scars, cuts, bruises, trauma.. I see it" I brought my head back down to the floor not wanting to look at him.. I hate talking about the scars. they all have memories that shouldn't be brought back. "some one those scars aren't just from someone else. your probably confused on why we never asked about them aren't you?"

I looked back up at him and nodded my head.

"well.. when you were all found, I knew that in order to know information was to wait." he said pausing a bit.

"wait for what? for us to brake down in front of you and bawl our eyes out?-" I looked up at him with a confused and bit angery face. "-wiat for us to come running to you and tell you whats up and what has been bothering us?"

"not exacly.. just" he had a big sigh and I rolled my eyes throwing my hands into the air.

"it is like that though!" I said leaning over onto the desk and looking right into Alex's doctors eyes. "you just told me that you know where we came from but you really don't... w-we came from basically hell! it was horrible! a nightmare! a fucking living nightmare that you never went thru but we did! we had no reason to go thru everything that we had happen to us! you have no idea! no fucking idea yet you stand here and tell me that you UNDERSTAND! I doubt that!"

he looked away and down at the floor probabaly not wanting to look at me anymore.

"lets just leave it at this.. you don't know my story and I don't know yours but I will be there and understand." he said quietly.

I nodded my head. I guess he has a sotry of his own that I probably wouldn't understand and I have my own that him- anyone wouldn't understand.. I kind of feel guilty about yelling at him a bit. I had no reason to.. everyone has their own story and I need to relize that i'm not the only one that has been to hell and back..

"c-can I see h-her?" I asked quietly.

he looked over at me and nodded and he left the room as I followed. he walked to the elevator and we got in. he looked down at the buttons and pressed the one that was blank which I am guessing is the 'lobby' of the hospital. the elevator dinged every time we passed a floor.. it was silent besides the quiet weird music playing in the background.

I let go of the railing as the doors opened and Alex's doctor followed after me. he walked towards the front desk where many people were walking around. there was a lady at the front desk, sitting behind it. when we passed she smiled at Alex's doctor. he smiled politely back and when she looked at me and smiled I rolled my eyes. I didn't care about politeness at the moment.. all I want to see is Alex.

we walked around the front desk and over to a door that was labeled security. he took out a handful of keys and took one and put it into the lock on the door. once the door was opened he quickly pulled the key from the lock and we both walked in. the door shut closed with a thud which caught a couple of security officers attentions. some watched as we passed by them.

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