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I knew a little girl, around nine or ten, who lived in a large house with her mother and father. This house had 18 windows. Every morning the windows had to be opened, and every evening the windows had to be shut. The girl's parents had told her that if this didn't happen, than VERY BAD things would happen to them.

Now normally, the parents would open and close the windows, but on this particular night, they were off on a trip. The girl had insisted that she didn't need a babysitter, since the trip was only for a weekend. Her parents had told her over and over again about the windows before they left, and the girl said she had it under control. She watched the taxi cab pull away with her parents in it, her beloved dog at her heels. She turned back into her house to get something to eat for herself and her dog.

That night, she had remembered to close all but one window. The window in her attic. She went to bed completely unaware of her mistake, her dog by her side.

Sometime later, she was awoken by a dripping noise. She reached down the side of her bed for the comfort of her dog. She was greeted by a wet lick, and drifted back to sleep.

Later that night, she once again heard the same dripping sound, reached for her dog, and he wasn't there. She became worried, and got up to look for the him. She checked everywhere but the attic and the bathroom. She decided since, well, dogs can't climb ladders, he couldn't be up there. 'Maybe he had accidentally locked himself in the bathroom while wandering around.' she thought to herself. Then she noticed the dripping sound. It was always there in the back of her mind, and now that she was standing right outside of the bathroom door, she noticed it was louder. 'Maybe he was... drinking out of the toilet...?' she reassured herself, even though she was terrified to open the door, she knew she had to see what the dripping noise was. She braced herself and pushed open the door, and she hadn't braced herself enough. She saw blood smeared all over the walls, and her dog, skinned, hanging upside down on chains attached to the roof. She found the dripping sound, her dog's blood trickled down his nose and onto the floor. She cried, and noticed two separate notes written on the walls in blood.

"People can lick too."

"You forgot one there."

Then she realized

She climbed up to her attic, only to see a shadowy figure, seemingly somewhat human, sitting in one of the old chairs that your family kept in the attic. He had the reddest eyes, seemingly glowing, and that grin. His teeth were sharp, and pure white. His grin was that of a crazy person, completely psychotic and insane. He was looking at a blood covered knife in his hands. When he saw that the girl had entered into the attic he stood up, and started to walk towards her. Slowly. Slowly. The girl backed up into the corner of her attic, she couldn't go any further. The shadowy figure laughed, "Silly girl. Don't you know to listen to your parents when they tell you something important?" Before the girl could answer, he let out an evil cackle. "You will be a nice addition to my collection!" and with that, the girl was dead.

Her parents came back the next day, only to see a note taped to the door, once again written in blood,

"Maybe next time you should teach your child to listen..."

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