The Black Teddy Bear

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        Real short author's note:


            OOOOOHHHH YESSSS~~~~~~



I kinda have to start writing. A lot. A friend of mine challenged me to a contest for whoever can write the most words, and my punishment is i will have to be her slave for a day.

I don't want to be her slave for a day.

My reward is she'll get me somethin undertale~~~~~~~  And I have a few things I have been wanting to get~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MMMMMMMMM DIS IS GONA BE SPICEYYYYY~~~~~~~

Also I want to be writing more stuff becuz I have been MAJORLY slacking.

I suck.

Well go check out fairylady78 she's that friend of mine and her story she is doing is... I think its ...Stardust? probably.


~~~POV of person~~~

  So one day I was driving home from work when a little girl on a tricycle rode out into the middle of the road.  She had a black teddy bear in the basket of her tricycle.  I had thought I hit her as I slammed on the breaks and came to a screeching halt. I rushed out of the car to see what happened, but I didn't see her. All that was left was that black teddy bear.  A  police officer came over to where I was standing and asked, "Sir, what seems to be the problem?"

   "Well, I was just driving home when I saw this little girl on a tricycle ride out into the middle of the road! I thought I hit her, but all that is left is this teddy bear!"

   "There have been reported sightings of a girl that was on a tricycle around here before..."

   "And now all thats left is this!" I said as I pointed to the teddy bear.

   "Hmmmmm... Maybe i can try to find out more about this..." He said. and with that he took the teddy bear and went back to his police car.

  On the way home I tried to take my mind off the subject. I blared my favorite song in the radio all the way home. Finally at my house, I decided I would get something to eat, since I hadn't had anything since lunch and it was already nine at night. As I walked into the kitchen, I saw something on my counter and almost had a heart attack. 

   A. Black. Teddy. Bear.

  I just stared for a second. Once I snapped out of it, I took the teddy bear and threw it out my window as far away as I could. It ended up landing in a creek next to my house, and I thought I had got rid of it. I went on to cook up some ramen (the food of gods and collage students), and once I had finished it up, I went upstairs for bed. Once in my room,  I want over to my dresser to turn on the light, it was pitch dark and I couldn't see a thing. Once the light was on,  just under the lamp, I saw that same teddy bear. The black one. It was totally soaked and was getting my dresser all wet. Eww. I threw it out the window again, at this point, I was terrified. Well, this has been going on ever since that day. This endless cycle of me finding it and throwing it out windows. It follows me everywhere. If I don't throw it out a window every time I see it, in the next morning all my kitchen knives will be on my dresser. 

   So please,

   If you read this,

   Help me.

   I am slowly being driven mad.

   By this endless cycle.

   By this

   B L A C K   T E D D Y   B E A R . . .

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