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I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!" The blonde boy yelled as he was pushed into the kitchen
"Scorpius Malfoy." Harry said.
"What, Potter?" The blonde boy sneered, "oh look it's the weasel and the mudblood."
"Excuse me?!" Ron exclaimed.
"King!" Albus yelled.
"Sorry, Al. It's the Malfoy in me. Forgive me?" Scorpius said, sincerely, looking into his prince's eyes.
"You say that now."
"King what do you mean?"
"Potter I need you to come with me."
"What?" Harry asked.
"I said I need you to come with me."
"Come with you where, Scorpius."
"I can't say. I just need to bring you."
"I need you to tell me where you're taking me."
"I can't. Orders."
Whose orders?"
"His orders...well and hers."
"Whose your mum and dad's- Scorpius. I need you to tell me where I'm going."
"I don't know the full details but I need you to come."
"To Malfoy Manor?"
"No. To Godric's Hallow."
"I need you to come. Now."
"Scorpius Malfoy-"
"Come," Scorpius said, before heading towards hermione and putting his wand on her neck, "or the mudblood dies."
"Scorpius!" A voice called out. Draco entered the room seeing wands pointed at his son and his own son's wand on Hermione's neck, "What is going on here?!"
"Potter won't come. And if he won't come on his own free will then maybe he needs some...convincing."
"I assume he’s acting under your orders, Draco."
"No. Son- what are you-"
"I need Potter. Well, he does."
"He? Who's he?"
"Him father. Him."
"Him- now what do you mean by-" Draco stopped in realization, he looked at his son, " Y-you don't mean-"
"I do. He needs Potter."
"He got killed-"
"His daughter being faithful, brought him back. Now he needs Potter and I- his loyal and faithful servant- shall bring Potter to him."
"Son! No! I-I forbid it!"
"What is he talking about Draco?"
"But Scorpius...he died."
"And his daughter brought him back."
"Delphi, she-?" Albus asked, wondering.
"I don't understand, son. This is no laughing joking matter. You need to tell me The REAL  person who wants Harry."
"I did father."
"Scorpius! Why?! Did your mother and I teach you NOTHING!? I was one, and I hated every you couldn't- Scorpius! Who REALLY wants Potter?! I won't get mad."
Scorpius pulled up his sleeve to reveal the dark mark, "I told you. He wants Potter."
"He offered protection for Albus and I..."
"That's it?! The Dark Lord offers protection for you and your boyfriend- something I could give you- and so you join him!? Do you not realize how STUPID that was!?! Potter stays!", he then mumbled, "protection! ha!"
"That's seriously why you joined Scorp? For us?"
"Yeah well one of the-"
"Do you not realize how STUPID that is!?"
"Prince I-"
"No Scorp...if you joined for "Protection for us" or whatever the hell I don't want it!"
"But Al-"
"No Scorpius! I can't believed you joined for "our protection"! So STUPID!"
"I didn't just join for us!"
"Oh really?!" Draco said, his voice now quiet,"then what were your other reasons son."
"My other reason was good!"
"Really? Then tell us." Draco said in a deadly tone.
"Mother." Scorpius said quietly.
"Mother. H-he promised to bring back mother. And I know you don't care and I shouldn't either with the whole 'Malfoys don't need help and don't feel thing', but I DO care, Father! I miss her." Draco opened his mouth to speak but Scorpius stopped him continuing, "I know you don't care about her being dead. And you're fine with her gone- and you can call me weak for it, sir- but I'm not. I-I need my mum." A tear fell down Scorpius' cheek.
"Why- why would you think I don't care, Scorpius?"
"You never mention her for one. It's like she never happened. Like she was just a thing that was made up. You never mention her! At all!" He burst into tears, quietly whispering,"at all."
"Erm...look kid I care ok..." Draco said awkwardly while trying to hug his son even more awkwardly. Scorpius pushed him away- quite easily because it wasn't even really a hug, it was more like an awkward touch that tried to be a hug but failed.
“Whatever. You say you care but you don't. You never did. This is the only way to bring her back and I need her. Maybe you don't, but I sure as hell do.”
“Scorpius! Language!”
“I can't. I'm done. Come on potter.”
“Draco…” Harry said glancing at Draco before turning to Scorpius and saying,”look, scorp. I know you miss your mum. I know what that's like...but let's think about this.”
Scorpius  paused and then said sternly, “I just did. I need her.”
“Look scorpius whatever He promised you. You won't get.”
“Meaning what father!? Are you saying the Dark Lord does not rewarded us faithful servants!? Because he does!”
“Let me guess he said if you bring him Potter then everything will go great. You'll be rewarded far more than his other followers because you've been faithful and did what he asked right?”
“Yes...where is this going?”
“Scorpius...he won't.”
“He will! My Lord- Our Lord father- promised.” Draco sighed deeply trying to think of how to get across to his boy.
“Look he promised me many things and not one was fulfilled.”
“Maybe you weren't faithful enough!”
“How do you not understand!? He's USING YOU!”
“He's not!”
“The main reason you got this “job” is because you're by Albus! He won't protect you two and he WON'T bring back your Dead FUCKING mother! HOW PATHETIC ARE YOU?!” Slap! The whole room stared at Draco and his son. Draco looked at his hand in unbelief. “S-son…” Draco reached forward and Scorpius pulled back. Away. A terrified look in his eyes. “S-sometimes,” he stammered, “i wish  rumors were true and he was my father instead of you!” With that Scorpius ran off and out the door.
*DUN DUN DUN! The next little bits will be back tracking*

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