chapter 2

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"Ugh! I can't believe it!"
"You're still upset about the whole first day of broom lessons thing? That happened at the first of the year!"
"I know... It's just my dad's my dad and..."
"Hey according to rumor my dad's You-Know-Who..."
"And we all know that's not true!"
"Exactly Albus. It's not that bad."
"Well, alright." The two were on the train ride home from their first year of Hogwarts.
"Well we're here." The two boys got up and off the train, Draco and Astoria awaiting their son.
"Well, bye Albus! I've gotta go. I see my mum and dad."
"Alright cool! See you next year Scorpius!"
"Bye Albus!" Scorpius called back as he headed to his parents.
"Hello again son."
"Hello father. Hey mum."
"Hello Dear." Astoria kissed her son's cheek ruffling his hair.
"Mum!" Scorpius whined, "not my hair!"
"Just like your father!" Astoria laughed, reaching out to touch her husband's hair, who pulled back, laughing even harder now at her husband's reaction.
"C'mon home we head."
At Malfoy Manor...
"So how has school been since we saw you at winter break?"
"Pretty good mum."
"Take his bags upstairs," Draco ordered a house elf.
"Is the food done?" Astoria asked a house elf.
"It will be in a moment M'am. If you would like to sit down..."
They sat down at the table as the food was served.
"Mum! That's my favorite!'
"Suprise dear!"
"Thanks mum!"
"Yes dear."
*After Dinner*
"C'mon boy. Bed."
"Yes father."
"Goodnight darling. I'll be up to tuck you in in a minute."
"Alright mum. G'night father."
"Goodnight Scorpius." And with that the boy headed to bed and fell asleep. Ready for an uneventful summer, with no homework, no tests, nothing.

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