chapter 4

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On the train home during Winter break..
"Erm... Scorp...?"
"Yes Al?"
"I-I fancy you."
"I I shouldn't have said anything."
"No," Scorpius grabbed Albus' hand, "I'm glad you did. I fancy you too."
"Yeah. You wanna go out sometime, Al?"
"I'd love to Scorp."
"Maybe you could come over for a movie at the house sometime. If you want I mean..."
"I'd love to...King Scorpion." Albus said winking.
"Are you coming Al- oh." Rose stopped when she saw the two holding hands, a little after the train stopped.
"I'm coming." He got up followed by Scorpius.
"Do you wanna ask my father if you can come over one day?"
"Yeah. Sure."
"Okay cmon." The two walked off the train following Rose. The pair headed towards Draco and Astoria.
"Hello Mr. Malfoy."
"Hello Potter."
"Hey mum... Albus and I were wondering if he could come over one of these days?"
"No son. I understand you're friends but... Having a Potter at our home!"
"O of course sir. Sorry sir. It was a stupid idea." Albus said before starting to walk away.
"Wait Albus!"
"We asked."
"I know...I just..." Astoria saw it even if her husband didn't. The look of caring. The look of respect- no this was more than respect. Was it love? Well, she couldn't find out if Albus didn't come.
"You can come Albus."
"What?! Astoria love! He's a Potter!" Albus looked down shamefully. At this point, Harry was behind Albus.
"What's going on?"
"Nothing dad."
"Exactly that." Scorpius said upset.
"No. No. No. If Albus wants he can come over for a movie."
"Really mum!?"
"Yes dear?"
"He's a Potter!"
"And your son's friend!"
"But- fine! He can come over!"
"Thanks father."
"Sure Scorpius."
"So he's coming over to your place? When?"
"Um... Scorpius? When did you two want to hang out?"
"Is Friday okay Scorp?"
"It's great."
"See you Friday?"
"Bye Albus." Scorpius kissed Albus' cheek.
"Goodbye King Scorp," Albus said gently kissing Scorpius' hand. And with that Albus walked off.
"Scorpius. You have A LOT of explaining to do when we get home."
"Yes father."

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