chapter eighteen

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When she looked back at the coven, they were all holding large white candles, wrapped in ropes. Gently, Jonathan took Delilah's hand in his. His touch calmed the rolling tide inside her. Looking down he said, "Good job kid, now here comes the hard part," tucking a stray hair behind her ear.

The door opened, and Aros, along with three other angels, entered carrying a rustic pine coffin on their shoulders with their arms crossed at their chests. Their heads lowered they walked slowly up to the altar. Behind them, was her father dressed in black, carrying a bouquet of black and red irises.

Once they reached the altar, they called out in unison, "Un, Deux, Trois, Quatre." Then with military precision, they placed the coffin down in the center.

Tabitha Anthea carried a large gold bowl, two cloths and set them on the table. Devlin took Delilah's hand and led her to Maria's coffin. It was open. Maria was wrapped in silver linen and silk lined with gold trim. On her head sat a crown of white and pink roses, she looked so peaceful. She was ethereal.

Devlin took the cloths and dipped them into the water, then handed one to Delilah. His eyes were hollow as he lifted Maris' foot and began tenderly washing it.

Maria was dead. They had just found each other and now she truly is lost to her forever.

I was supposed to care for her. I was going to save her.

Delilah's chest constricted as she choked out a sob that made it hard to breathe like she was trapped underwater drowning in her own tears. Tabitha Anthea placed her firm hands on her shoulders, enabling her to do this final act for her mother.

When they had completed their task, Tabitha Anthea approached the podium and sang out, "O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on your departed handmaid. Grant that Maria Antonia D'Arc may share in the joy of your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in you with your saints forever."

To which the coven replied, "And so it is."

"May your soul know no dismay."

"It is so."

"May there be a beautiful welcome for you in Summerland. May your soul remember your one true home."

"We know it is so."

"May your soul know tranquility. May you rest in peace old friend."


Each member of the coven, one-by-one made their way to the altar in a slow march to place a white rose inside of Maria's coffin. Devlin put the bouquet of irises in last. Once again, the angels lifted the coffin on their shoulders, as they walked out the sanctuary members of the coven touched the coffin murmuring prayers. Devlin enclosed Delilah in an embrace and led her out of the sanctuary. 

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