Part 1

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    I grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the opposite wall. My free hand held the silver Ranger knife against his throat and pressed down hard enough to scare him. "You know what I wanted to be when I grew up Ashton?! I wanted to be a serial killer. I wanted so badly to watch the life leave someone's eyes as I TOOK their life, hopes and dreams, and everything that made them who they are AWAY FROM THEM. That PURE AGONY FEELING WHEN YOU KNOW IT'S ALL ABOUT TO BE OVER RIGHT THEN AND THERE!!! I WANTED IT. I wanted it so fucking badly, but at the same time I kept wanting to die. I wasn't cut out for this life. I was never meant to be born. Never, but I was and I couldn't take it so I decided to take my own life. I tried and tried, but I could never do it no matter how badly I wanted it. Then something happened. Idk what, but it happened. I guess something finally clicked. If I couldn't get rid of my own life then I might as well get rid of the people in it. Everyone's going to die someday anyway. Why delay the inevitable, am I right? So I started pinning off my friends one by one. Imagining their deaths and how I could make them happen. Planning them out in my head every day. It always gave me such a rush of adrenaline at the thought of just spilling a drop of their blood. I've been doing this for years,but I never really felt like I could expose myself and do any of it until I met you. Ever since I met you all I've wanted to do was watch you die. I didn't hate you or have a grudge against you; you were just the most perfect candidate for what I wanted. That's all you've ever been . . . just so perfect. Then you made it personal. You broke my heart. No. Breaking it is an understatement. You kissed it, hugged it, and fucked with it and then YOU FUCKING STABBED IT,WRIPPED IT OUT AND STOMPED ON IT UNTIL FINALLY I COULDN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!YOU COULD HAVE CHOSE ANYONE AND YOU CHOSE ME!!! YOU HUMILIATED ME IN FRONT OF EVERY ONE! ON A FUCKING DARE!!! Well, sweet little Ashton you chose the wrong player for your game. I Hate You And I Am Going To Kill You. Oh but don't worry I'm going to tape your death and send the video to your sweet little whore Amber. Of course I'll have to hand deliver it because god knows the postal service won't do their fucking job. Amber and I will have just the greatest talk and I'll gain her trust; Hell I might even fuck her. God knows that won't be hard to accomplish. Then we'll sit down and watch a cute little movie I made just for her. Of course she'll scream and cry and beg and OH GOD IT'LL BE SO FUCKING AMAZING!!!! AHHHH!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!! ", I screamed in excitement. I pushed the blade in deeper against his throat, but he didn't make a sound or even flinch at the pain. Then I noticed that he hadn't said a single word since before my ranting. I stopped pushing on the knife and just looked at him. Hedidn't look scared or worried that his life was about to end. He didn't even look fazed by anything I had just said. Actually he looked kind of . . . bored.BORED?!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Where's the terror, the horror, WHERE'S MY MOMENT OF TRIUMPH?! I was pissed now. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!" I screamed in his face. His gaze darkened and before I knew what was happening his knee connectedwith my stomach. I dropped the knife and let go of him as I gasped in pain. He fell to his knees and caught sight of where the knife had scattered across the floor. I regained myself as we quickly met eyes. I knew exactly what he was thinking. All at once we both lunged for the knife. He reached it first and tightened his grip around the handle. I had to act fast. The floor was slick soI spun around as fast as I could and kicked him in the face when he turned around. He cried out, but didn't drop the knife. I lunged at him to try and pry it out of his hands, but he quickly rolled out of the way. I landed hard on my elbows causing a sharp searing pain to shoot up both arms. I looked up just in time to flatten myself against the floor as the blade flew over my head missing by mere inches. He lunged at me swinging the knife every which way trying to stab me anywhere and everywhere he could reach. I swerved, ducked and rolled all over the floor, the blade just barely missing every time. Tired of being on defense I rolled out of the way far enough to jump to my feet. He was still on his knees as I ran at him screaming with hate fire in my eyes.

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