Chapter 1

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The year was 1870 when a young Stiles Stilinski fell deep in love with a Spanish sailor named Derek Hale. Derek also fell in love with the Stiles and you would always see them walking around the town square not caring who saw their love. But like everything good thing, it most come to an end and Derek has to go back to Spain. Stiles won't let that happen. So a week before Derek had to leave they confessed their love for each other through slow love making. The week came to an end and Stiles watched the ship sail away and his live leave him forever.
A month later Stiles got the surprise of his life when he found out he was pregnant. Stiles and his father kept the pregnancy a secret from the town, so when he was about 5 months pregnant he never went out.
9 months later and Stiles went in to labor. He was in labor for 10 hours before both him and the child died. Stiles' father was a shell of the man he once was after his sons death and ended up killing himself a month later. Nobody talked about the sudden disappearance of the town sheriff and his son.

The year is 2011 when Derek Hale returns to the small town of Beacon Hills. Derek was named after his great great great great grandfather a Spanish sailor. He had heard stories about the man he was named after and the boy he never stopped loving and always regretted leaving. So when Derek turned 24 he traveled to Beacon Hills, California from New York to see what was so special about this town.
Beacon Hills has always been a very small town where everyone knew each other and everything stayed the same, even the old Stilinski house that still stood as brand new as it did back in 1870. So when one the residents saw a black Camero drive down the rode everyone knew that something big was about to happen.
Derek pulled into the sheriff's office parking lot and got out. He looked around at the empty town before walking inside. He went up the front desk and waited until a young man greeted him.
"Hello, I'm sheriff Parrish. What can I do for you?" The man greeted him with a smile.
"Um, yeah, do you know where the old Stilinski house is and do you know if I could look around inside it?" Derek replied. He watched the sheriff's face change in surprise.
"If I may, why do you care about it?" Parrish asked, trying not to sound rude.
"I'm the great great great great grandson of Derek Hale, the lover of Stiles Stilinski." Parrish was even more surprised and just nodded before walking away and coming back with a key.
"You pull out of the parking lot and make a right, it's about 4 blocks down. It's a white house with a blue trim, you'll know it when you see it."

Derek did just that and when he pulled into the drive way of the house he felt all the negative energy leave him. He shut off his car and got out, he slowly made his way to the front door and unlocked it. When he stepped in the house he could hear a faint male voice singing from upstairs. He also noticed that the house was completely furnished and looked like the somebody had just went to work and never came back. Derek cautiously walked upstairs and followed the voice until he got to the end of the hallway where a door was cracked open. He continued to walk until he was right in front of the door and was surprised when he saw a teenage boy singing to a small baby in his arms. Derek tried opening the door slowly but it squeaked and the boy turned around in panic but his face softened and smiled.
"I knew you would come back, I always knew." The boy said and walked up to Derek with the baby. Derek was very confused now, considering he has never seen this boy ever.
"Um, I think you have me confused with someone else, I don't know who you are." Derek answered and watched the boys face contort into confusion.
"Of course you have Der bear. The week before you left we confessed our love to each other and I wish I could've of told you but I got pregnant that night. Yeah I know, only Stiles would somehow get pregnant. Why don't you remember this or me?" The boy, Stiles, said with a sad face.

"First of all, why are you in the old Stilinski house? Second, I think you have me confused with someone else. Third, I've never even anywhere near California in my whole life. And what the hell is a Stiles."
"I live hear, this is my house. I know who Derek Hale is when I see him. You where hear for a whole year. And my name is Stiles." Stiles answered and that's when Derek figured out what was happening.
"What year do you think it is Stiles?'
"Stiles, it's 2011. You remember my great great great grandfather. I look a lot like him and I think you see him in me." As Derek said he watched Stiles face turn into agony as he dropped to the floor crying and rocking the baby in his arms. Derek kneeled down and was surprised when he tried to put his arms around the boy, he was solid.
"It can't be. If I'm dead why am I hear, shouldn't I be six feet under?" Stiles' sobs calmed down as he relaxed into Derek's arms.
"Maybe you have unfinished business hear? You said you never told your Derek that you were pregnant, maybe that's why?" Derek offered.
"No, that wouldn't of been that big of a deal. I was content, I always thought that if I couldn't have you or him, I could atleast have the baby as a reminder." Stiles replied as he got up and sat on his bed.
"Do you atleast have an idea of how you died?" Derek asked and Stiles nodded slowly.
"We never really had enough medical care so it wasn't uncommon for women to die in child birth, I think that's what happened with me." Stiles explained. "I wonder what happened to my dad." Derek just shrugged before looking over at the baby and noticing how much the baby looked like him but with these beautiful whiskey eyes.
"What's the baby's name?" Derek asked.
"Her name is Claudia Laura Hale, we, I mean I named her after my mom and your aunt." Stiles said with a smile, kissing the baby's head.
Stiles looked up to Derek and Stiles fell in love all over again and Derek started to realize why his g-g-g-g-grandfather fell in love with him.

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