Coffee Shop

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SwanQueen Week
Day 2: Coffee Shop

It was a regular day for Emma Swan. She woke up at 6 am like she does everyday and got herself dressed, made breakfast, and did her make up, all in a span of 45 minutes which was right when she needed to make her son Henry. Henry was 14 years old and was starting to grow those typical teen habits. For example staying up late, eating constantly, having an attitude, and the worst of all sleeping in late. Henry used to be woken up at 7 but that was before it took 15 minutes to drag him out of bed.

After trying to gently shake him, pull his blankets off, and turn on the lights there was not a budge. Emma growing inpatient had to go to her last option. Cold water. Slowly pouring the water on his bare chest Henry shot up out of bed, screaming.

" What the fu-....dge? " Henry said with a panic but quickly stopped his profanity as he saw his mother was standing right next to him.

" Yeah you better say fudge young man. I don't want you cussing in this house. Now get your ass up and get ready for school. " She said with a smile knowing that he would try to protest about her cussing herself.

" Uhhhggg I don't want to go to school. " Henry said with a groan, " I don't feel good. " he said.

" You don't feel good or don't want to go to school without Violet? " his mother asked, but he just looked down sheepishly. Violet was Henry's first girlfriend and she moved away right before there 6 month anniversary. It's been a week and Henry was pretty down, so just this one time Emma would allow her son to play hooky and miss school. She sighed and answered, " Fine just this one time you can miss school okay? " he just nodded and smiled.

Henry got out of bed and went to go eat his breakfast but when he got there he found crumbs and two empty plates. At first he was confused but then he heard a cry and knew it was his dog Ajax. " Some one got into the food again didn't you? " Henry said giving the dog a sad smile because he knew mom would be mad.

About a minute later Emma walked in and almost had a heart attack. " What the hell happened in here!? Ajax!? " she screamed but the dog just gave her a apologetic look then looked down and walked to his cage.

Emma sighed and looked around the kitchen seeing the damage.

" Don't worry mom I will clean it up, Ajax is my dog I should have trained him better. " Henry said with a sigh.

" Don't worry Henry lets just go to the Once Upon A Morning Coffee Shop across the street. " Emma said. Once Upon A Morning was Emma's and Henry's favorite coffee shop. They went there at least twice a week for the last 2 years. They actually have their picture on the wall and the entire staff knows what they will get. It's kinda funny because not once have they got a actual coffee from there, they always got hot chocolate with cinnamon on top.

Henry slipped on his jacket and tossed his mom hers. " Okay I'm ready let's go. " he said with a smile.

About five minutes later they were not he coffee shop when Emma walked in and saw her. Regina Mills.



t was Regina's first day of work. She was living with her best friend Mary Margaret until she earned enough money to buy her own apartment in New York. Which was close to impossible in New York. But for now she was working at the Coffee Shop next to her apartment building.

Of course already gaining the New Yorkers habit she was running late and rushed out the door yelling a goodbye to Mary Margaret and receiving a good luck in return. Both Regina and Mary knew she needed it.

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