The next day

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Well guys what did y'all think about my second story tell me so I can be write more and tell you how the to cuples fall in love with each other if you guys want more of falling in love when tell me.

It was the next day and I,was just waiting for you to come to class,finnaly you came to class you seat next to me.
Me: hi
You: hi
Me: how was your day yesterday
You: it was great how was your day
Me:good I can say wish it could be better but I am happy for what I have couldn't ask for more.
You: why do you say that?
Me: just because
You: oh? ok
Me: yup
*bell ring •
Teacher told us to find a partner for a project that is due next week teacher when you find you partner talk to each other about what you guys are going to do for you project.
Me: hey you want to be partner with me
You: yea sure what do you want to do for the project
Me: Hmm I don't know,how about snow
You: yea that sounds cool,do you want to start doing it over at my house.
Me: yea that cool I just have to call my mom and tell her if it ok if I can go over at you house
You: ok call her after school
*teacher alright class take a seat and turn to page 254 on your book of science and read about cell and plant cell after reading answer the quostion 1-4 on the book and turning your work after class ok class you may begging
I told teacher if we can work with a partner she said yes as long as if your quit if not then I will have to separate you two from each other and both of you will have to work by your self on this assiment.
Me, hey do you want to work with me
You, yea sure
Me: hey what did you for number one
You: I got letter a how about you
Me,I got letter a as well
You, what did you get for two
Me, I got f
You, I got g
Me,how did you get f
You,I thought it was a livening thing my bad
Me, yea me to but I went back and read what the quostion was ask for you see right here
You, oh I see know thanks
Me, Nope problem
*teacher dont talk to loud class keep you voice down a bit please thank you.
Me,what did you get for the third one I got b how about you edwin
You,same I got b
You,what did you get for the last one I got d
Me,I got the same thing
*bell rings *teacher alright class see you tomorrow dont forget to start on you guys is project for next week bye class
I called my printers that day
Mom, hi son how was school
Me, it was great mom hey mom
Mom, yes
Me, is it ok if I can go to my friend house to start on our project about snow owls
Mom, do his printers know that you coming over to do the project with him
Me, yes he called then they said it was fine with them I just had to call you and tell you
Mom, well it fine with as long as you be good ok
Me, yes mom I will be good
Mom,love you call me if anything happens
Me, ok mom love yes I will call you if anything happens Ok bye
Mom, ok bye be safe.
Me,she said no I cant go I have to go home
You, aw really
Me, just joking she said yes I can go to your house
You,Ok let me call my mom and tell to pick us up
Me, ok
You, hey mom can you come and pick us up ok bye
You, she said she on her way.

Well guys thank you for taking time and reading my second book on here if you want a shot out just sent me a message telling me you want a shot out and I will give it to you here my social media

Facebook-aj winter

Snapchat-ajwinter48 or awinter48
Well that all my social media if you to sent me a message saying you want a shot out all you have to do is follow me in any of the social media and sent me a screen shot of my book and I will give you and shot out also plz share my book and I love until next time

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