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Friday 11.09 pm

I blew hot air into my palms trying to keep them warm.Walking faster down the stairs trying to get out of this cold weather.I entered the parking lot and sighed when my car came in view and I press the unlock bottom on my car key.When the sound echoed through the garage i heard a scream afterwards.Then whimpering,then sniffling.I stopped in my tracks to listen to where the pained noises were coming from and followed it to my car.At the back of the car someone sat curled into a ball.It was obviously a small boy but why was he there?

"Hey."I whispered

The boy screamed and looked up at me before backing away from me.His blue eyes held so much fear and hurt.It pains my heart to see someone like this .

"P-please L-Leave me"he stuttered bringing his knee back to his chest.

"No i wont hurt you.Whats wrong?"I moved closer to him but he scream

"Go away!"

"Okay shhhh I promises i wont hurt you ."

"They promised."he whispered sniffling

"Who promised?"

"My parents,they promised they would love me forever."He whispered calming down a bit.

"They threw me out."Tears returned to his eyes and i sat down on the floor near him.

"Why would they do that?"

" I'm an abomination to the lord and i should burn in hell."

"What?"he jumped when i raised my voice

It was freezing cold but this angel was more important.He was truly and angel with those crystal clear blue eyes,freckled nose,jet black hair and small pink lips.He deserved all the attention he can get but here i was trying to calm him down because his parents kicked him out .He is so small he couldn't possibly be older than fourteen.

"I'm gay."he whispered.

Anger rushed through my veins at what he said.

"We were coming from my mom's birthday and i told them....that i-i like boys,they stopped the car and started yelling at me.My dad pulled me out and my mom slapped me.Dad kicked me and they took turns hitting me.They spat on me before driving away and i ran here."

He started crying again and i moved closer to him.I slowly caressed his hair and surprisingly he crawled on to my lap and buried his face in the crook of my neck.I wrapped my arms around him.He was so small,he fit perfectly in my arms and i loved it.I continued to caress his soft hair until i heard his soft snores.

I got up with him in my arms and put him in the back of the car.I sat in the driver's seat and drove towards my house.I wasn't going to leave him there alone and i wasn't going to let him go back to those horrible,cold hearted people.They are the ones who should burn in hell.

When i reached my house i pressed the the button on my remote to open the gate.I drove in and parked in the garage.I picked him up and carried him into my house.I climbed the stairs with him and brought him to the guess room.He mumbled something and cuddled more into my chest which made me smile.

I gently placed him on the bed and brought the blanket to him chin.i watched him for a while.I just couldn't take my eyes off him.I closed the door behind me and went to my own room.My phone started ringing as soon as i laid down.

"Hello.'i answered

"I told you to call me as soon as you got home."My dad's rough voice spoke through the speaker

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