The Gang Leader

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I could hear them behind me.


They were going the same speed as mine but louder.Whoever it is didn't hold back.They wanted me to know they were behind me.......following,three blocks now.I didn't dare look back i was too scared to see who it was.

I was also scared that if they continue they would see where I live.I couldn't see a shadow meaning they were a good distance from me but I could smell their cologne when the breeze blew and to make this more terrifying it was 1:00 am and my apartment is in a not so good neighborhood.Its not that bad but there is a gang somewhere around here.I try my best not to run in to them.The
last thing I want is to be a target for some stupid reason.


As I near my apartment building I decided to turn around and look.When I did there was no one there.Just me and a stray dog across the street as far as my eyes can see.I sighed and entered the building.I took the elevator to my floor and walked the hall until I saw my door.I look both ways of the hall before entering.

I threw down my school bag and took off my hat.I emptied my bag of my books and working clothes before going into the kitchen.I decided to just eat some cereal and shower since it was about to hit 1:15 Am.

After finishing my cereal and shower I climbed into bed and pulled the blanket to my chin closing my eyes forgetting about the incident that happened on my way home.I made a mental note to ask my manager to change my shift tomorrow.

As I was about to sleep I heard my bedroom window slide open and footsteps coming towards my bed.I was terrified,I wanted to piss myself.I wanted to scream,run whatever I could but I stay frozen in bed with my eyes clothes hoping whoever it was would go way like first time but It was obvious they followed me here and they followed me for a reason.

I could feel their weight on the edge of the bed and their hand pulled the blanket from my chin.I shivered from the cold but still didn't move.The stranger rest their hand on my left cheek, the cold rings on their fingers sent shivers down my spine.They move their hand from my cheek and trail it down my chest.

I tried to see through the dark hoping the street light from the window he left opened would help but I still didnt make out a familiar face.I hardly made out anything at all.Just their piercings blue eyes, white shiny teeth when they smile and somehow their gold chain shining in the dark.

"W-who are you?"I managed to stutter out

"Shhhh no need to be scared baby." Their low husky voice replied.It was obviously a man but what did he want

"Are you a burglar ?"

The stranger laugh.His laugh was sexy but what was I thinking in a time like this?

"Kinda yes,not in this situation."

"Ummm can you get out?"I ask

"Not before I have my fun with you."before I could respond he straddle my waist

I then felt his soft lips on my neck slowly kissing,licking and biting at it.I couldnt help the sounds that escape my mouth and I would be lying if I said it didn't feel good.I knew I should be pushing him off and crying out for help but this..... I couldnt help it. I moan as his hand travel down my naked chest and caress my skin.

I badly wanted his mouth on mine but could I kiss a stranger? I can't even see his face and these things are happening right now and to make it worst my first time doing anything sexual is being done by someone I don't even know.To top it off I'm doing it with a GUY.I mean I dont know if I'm gay or not I haven't had a girlfriend ....or boyfriend but shit this is something else.

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