Chapter 6 (Awkward)

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Emery's POV {pic of Derek>>>

"Emery! Please, now." I heard my mom yell from downstairs. Groaning I threw the covers off me and practically fell out of bed. Getting up I walked into the bathroom striped off my pjs and hopped in the shower. I washed my body, shampooed my hair, and shaved. Done I shut the water off and hopped out. I quickly dried my hair and left it down. Then I did everything else of my morning routine.

Putting on a white tank top and a beige  colored loose sweater with a giraffe on it. Then slipped on some gray sweatpants. I grabbed my bag and headed down stairs, while squeezing my feet into my Adidas sandals.

"By." I yelled heading out the door into my car. 5 more minutes until class starts. "Great."


I was there in the next 2 minutes. Hopping out of my car I walked to my locker got everything out, and ran to class.

I wasn't late. Thank God. Opening the door I walked to my seat, but came to another person sitting in it. Shrugging my shoulders I turned around and sat in another on.

Class started and I was just sitting there with a bored expression. I was writing down my notes when the door slammed open. Not caring who it was I just continued to take notes.

The sound of shoes could be heard around the classroom until they stopped. I felt a presence in front of me, "That's my seat!" I heard a deep voice speak.

Groaning I looked up to a guy with brownish hair and brown eyes. He immediately smiled and walked back to another seat. Giving off a confused look I shrugged it off and continued to work.

Class was half way over and I was just reading my book now. Seconds later I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see a girl with light blonde hair staring back at me. She whispered something, before passing a note over to my desk.


We passed notes for about 10 minutes. I had found out her name was Anna, and she had just came back from a Vegas vacation.

She was a friend of Shaley's.

The bell rang making me jolt out of my day dream. I grabbed my books and headed to my next class. Anna trudging behind me.

"Were did you used to live?" I heard a voice ask. I turned around to face Anna staring back at me. "Rhode Island." I said shrugging my shoulders like a was lying, but wasn't.

"Funny, I used to live there. Odd place, don't you think?" She said. I nodded my head slowly and smiled at her.

I felt an arm rest over my shoulder. Turning around Shaley was staring back at me with a cheesy smile. I looked at her awkwardly before turning my gaze to her arm that was resting on my shoulder. She gave a slight giggle before moving her head to the side and waving hello to Anna.

She turned back around and smiled at me. "Did you see him?" She asked.I gave her a confused look before turning around and giving Anna a questioning look. Thinking she would give me a clue on what Shaley was talking about. She sighed before tilting her head around and giving Shaley a stern glare.

[AN: Anna is a wolf, but Shaley isn't. Though she knows about them and that Anna is one]

Shaley clenched her teeth before, looking up me. "Tall guy brown hair, light toned skin." She said moving her hands around like she was trying to described someone.

I thought for a moment and then nodded my head yes. Remembering the guy from this morning. He was pretty attractive if I do say so my self.

Shaley smiled and then waved goodbye. Heading to her next class. Turning my head I looked at Anna. "What class?" She grabbed her schedule and looked down at the paper. "Chemistry 1,you?" She said looking at me. "Same. Walk together? " I asked. "Sure." She answered walking down the hall way with me by her side.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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