The Others
Part I
Shepherds are poor and the poor are the chosen.
A shepherd boy was Nicolas, n'so was Stephen.
Convinced their innocence was enough to bless
Their meagre limbs, those brave arms and legs,
They carried themselves where there's no return.
To Jerusalem heading, for their god they yearned.
Few chronicles left and found leave us in doubt.
Thirty thousand pairs of eyes were looking out
For purpose, we speculate, but let's add perhaps.
Hanging doubts become history as years elapse.
The past of the East disturbs us, so we look west
And wonder about the Aryan kids' queer quest.
All wondering takes us to the Bungelosenstrasse
Where the long-last bairns of Hamelin were last
Seen mesmerized, following like we still follow
Melodies that never promised to fill our hollow,
Our blunder; the ever-widening existential gap
That sips our blood and swallows the soul's sap.
Being so consumed, we imagine we're being fed,
And we lick our lips and feel thankful they bled.
As for the children, none could track their steps
And what the mourners' hands could do at best
Was to scribble on the walls of Ratten-fängerhaus
A tragedy that began hardly bigger than a mouse.
Nonetheless, modern world dwellers can't mock
The Hamelinians who their children didn't lock
Like Loo did to Pit and we oft to our inner child.
Do you remember healing it the last time it cried?
Do we try to discover the roots of our problems?
Now ingrained, don't we water them to blossom?
"Where's water? And which land is not yet waste?"
The chap asked his peers as they walked in haste.
But friends don't always listen and give answers.
And so the youngsters agreed to ask their elders.
Which path leads astray, which road not to take
Taking thus the road most travelled by: a mistake.
The Others
Poésie"They deceived us, and deceived themselves, the quiet-voiced elders, bequeathing us merely a receipt for deceit." said Loo, feeling almost all-knowing, almost sorry, once she reached the end of Four Quartets, wondering when her story shall begin. An...