1st Rant: Doujinshi

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Aahh... before I start ranting, let me just say, it's been a long while since I last been on wattpad. Man, I miss it. I'm a busy lady with a busy life. It's not bad, nor good, but it's there... anyway, on with the rant!!

Let me just say, I love my doujinshi. Know what that is? No? Well today's your lucky day! A doujinshi is a Manga that is fan made by brilliant people about other Manga works, ya get me? Yes? No? If not, Google can fix my rachet definition of a doujinshi! (I'm sorry for not being Google quality)

Aaannyways! Moving forward, DOUJINSHI!!!!

The thing that gets me boiling is the fact that they're so short!!! Like, GEJSDJGDJXGW!!?!?!?!!? WHY!?!

I cry erry time... ya know this feeling, right? Especially the gooood ones!! Like, there can be a whole frickin' series about that goodness!!! Why it gots to be so short!?! Crying in the inside... ligit... *sniff*



Okay.. I'm done... sorry about that, back to Earth now. I just can't handle the extra short goodies that get me right in the feels, then end it with me crying like a freaking mad woman. It's just some crazy kind of insanity...

I mean, I understand that it's hard to produce that goodness due to money and what not, but I just can't help myself. I'm a lifeless person who needs that kind of fuel to get me pumping and moving... kinda sad now that I type and think about it... but it's the truth I guess...


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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