A New Begining Part Two

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My next class was reading, but before class I started to have a coughing fit. "Fudge," I say to myself. This fit is really bad. I keep coughing and before long I start to see spots, so I get dizzy and started to fall over. Of course naturally I grab the closest thing to me attempting to regain balance. I look up to see what it is that I'm holding onto. FUDGE it's a guy; like a human teenage guy. One that goes to my school, and I'll have to see him everyday. I immediately let go terrified, but I was stumbling around a bit and I suppose he notice because he balanced me and asked me if I was okay. I pulled a way and nodded vigorously which made me more dizzy. He braced me again and asked me if I was sure. "Yes," I responded almost silently.

"Cool, okay now that that's over even though I'm not sure if you're okay my name is Luke." I smiled, coughed up a bit more, and was about to respond when the bell rang. Class started, but all I could think about was Luke.

"Shoot," I muttered to myself. "You can't get a crush especially on the first day when you embarrassed yourself." This is going to be a stressful year. I've only had one other crush and I haven't talked to that guy since I got a crush on him. I want to talk to Luke, and I want to know everything about him. Fudge I have the crushies so bad already. I went on to my other classes and then it was time for lunch. I'm not eating anything of course. It gives me anxiety for people to watch me eat; yeah I know it's lame but hey whatever. I brought my sketchbook outside, and found this wall like thing to sit on and doodle alone.

"Hey Autumn," it was Nick he waved at me and sat on the stair next to the wall. "This is the meeting place of me and some of my friends during lunch, so I guess you're part of the group now." It was my first day and I already had friends. That's strange but oh well. I'm not quite sure who my friends are though. Bailey a girl from my english class came and sat on the wall.

"Hey you're Autumn right?" I nodded "Great are you in the group now?" I shrugged and nodded. Bailey and Nick started talking to each other and Lizzie and another girl came around a corner and sat with me.

"This is Maia," Lizzie started to speak "Maia this is Autumn." We waved at each other and they both started to read and I went back to doodling. It was calm for a while a few other people came over but that was okay. Until Luke came over. Fudge he's in the "gang" too. He waved at the group and looked at me. Instant panic I started messing with my necklace. What do I do? Shoot is all I could think.

"Hey Autumn how's the school treating you?" he asked. I did a thumbs up, and evidently to him that was a sign of some sort because he sat next to me. I jumped a little starting to have a bit of a panic attack. I started shaking I couldn't speak. "That's a beautiful drawing." I snapped out of the panic attack.

"What?" I asked. As soo as I said that I realized my sketchbook was open to a dreamcatcher I was drawing. "Oh thanks," I mumbled "It's not very good."

"I think it's amazing, but if you want to live a lie be my guest," he responded. I went through the rest of the school say and then to my locker to go home. There was someone at the locker next to mine.

"Hey preppy," she called. Confused I looked around. Did she mean me? I pointed at myself. "Yeah you! New loner kid," she said quite harshly.

"I'm not a prep," I said "Why would you think I'm a prep, and what does being a prep even mean?" She rolled her eyes as if it were obvious.

"Have you seen yourself?" she said "With your blonde hair blue eyes and little dress." I was still confused and my dress wasn't even short if that made a difference to this girl. "Don't be a prep tomorrow, and I can help you. You know stick up for you and that kinda thing."

"And if I don't?" I asked.

"Then this year will be a living hell for you, and I'll make sure of it, and by the way I'm Clarissa." She walked away like she owned the place, and then I headed to the bus. I sat next to Nick again. He wasn't to terrifiying; altough I kinda wished Luke sat with me. Oh no I like this guy way too much already. When I got home I noticed it was so lonely and empty. I just sat there for a while like a hour or two, and then I heard someone knocking on the door.

"Yes?" I called out opening the door. Fudge it was Luke. He seemed kind of nervous. "You okay Luke? He nodded.

"Yeah," he stuttered. "I um just need to tell you something, and it's extremely important."

Author's Note


Oooooooh suspense. I hope you guys like this so far. I already had this bit written for an ELA assignment in school. But now I actually have to write stuff, and I procrastinate a lot. Who knows when I will update. It probably doesn't matter anyway. Okay bye to anyone who reads this. XD

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