You Found Who, Where?!?!? (One Direction Fan Fic)

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Hey guys... so listen. This is my first fan fic (heck, this is my first book!) so please go easy on me! constructive criticism is always welcome!!!   

Kacie Jones in the sidebar! ----->




"Lindsey, I'll be back in a bit, okay? I'm going shopping now. Sure you don't want to come?" I yell from my room.

"Naw, you go have fun Kacie. I'm just going to lock myself in my room, stare at Harry Styles beautiful face, and cry. Don't let my misery stop you." Lindsey screams inbetween sniffles.

"Maybe I shouldn't go. You have been doing that for the past 3 days.... and I'm starting to think its not healthy...." I say as I walk into Lindsey's room. "I'm worried for you."

"Don't be, its not your fault that I didn't get the tickets.." Lindsey says as she starts to cry again. I walk over to her bed sit down and hug her as I stoke her hair. Lindsey recently entered a contest to win One Direction tickets a month ago. She entered everyday that month hoping to win. They called the apartment last week and once she saw the caller ID, she immediately ran to the phone expecting 'Are you Lindsey Williams... congratulations! You won tickets to see One Direction in concert!' and instead got a call just saying she didn't win and thanked her for entering anyway. She was crushed, and been that way ever since.

"Lindsey.. Lindsey listen..." I say as I try to calm her down. She finally stops crying and looks at me with watery eyes. "There will be other contests honey, so don't let this one bring you down."  she sniffs and wipes her eyes.

"Your right. Thanks Kace, you always know what to say." she stands up and I give her a hug.

"Ok" I say. " If you want you can still come with me."

"Naw, I'm good. But will you are out, can you buy me a pretzel or something? I'm starving and we like have no more food." she says walking over to the kitchen and opening a empty cabinet to prove her point.

"Sure. Be back soon." I yell as I walk out of the apartment.

Oh, I must have forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kacie Jones. I know, I know boring name. I live in London, England. I moved here last year from the United States. I moved here when I turned 18 to go to school at the Royal College of Art. The school gives us housing, which happens to be apartments that are right down the block. I live with my roomate, Lindsey Williams who happens to be (if you haven't noticed) a huge One Direction fan. Though she has never meet them, or seen them in concert, she probably has every single piece of 1D merchandise they have ever made. Her walls are filled with posters and song lyrics, so its obvious that she like them. Alot. You could say I'm a fan too, but nothing compared to her.

I walk down the hall to the elevator and push the button for the lobby. I reach the first floor as the door dings and opens. I leave the building to walk to the nearest clothing store. I walk throught the door and is immediately greeted by and employee.

"Hi! Ask me if you need anything." the perky red-head says as i walk into the store.

"Ok.. thanks." I answer. I go to the nearest clothing rack and start looking for anything i might like. Then I notice that there is a big group of girls walking around as if there looking for something, or someone. Thats a little wierd. They all notice I was looking at them and they rush over to me.

"Have you seen One Direction?" one of the girls ask as the others stare me down.

" You mean that band?" I ask even though I knew who they were.

"Duh!" one of the other girls yell from inside they group. All the girls giggle and snicker.

"Um.... no, I haven't seen them." I say.

" You sure? Your not lying are you?" the first girl says as she eyes me suspiciously.

"I'm pretty sure." I respond. All the girls sigh and huff as they walk away. Well that was wierd. Then I suddenly hear a vioce behind me.

" Hey babe." he says. I sigh. Not you.

"What do you want Evan?" I whine. I turn around to see his annoying face to close for comfort.

"Came to see my favorite girl." he says. Evan happens to be the most annoying person on the entire planet. He always tries to hit on me constantly, so he the last preson I would like to see right now. Well, the last person I would want to see ever.

"How did you even know I was here?" I say.

"I didn't, I just saw you and decided to come over. You look so beautiful." he says. I roll my eyes.

"Well you should probably go now, considering that I don't want you here." I say as I try to push him. He dosen't even move.

"Ouch. that hurt." he says as he smiles. He wraps his arms around my waist and attempts to kiss me. I shove him away and make a gagging noise.

"Come on baby, I know you like me." he says.

"I don't know why you think that." I say as I continue to shuffle through the clothing rack. He grabs my waist again and turns me around. He tries to kiss me, AGAIN.

"Stop Evan!" I scream, hoping someone would come over and help me.

"Stop fighting it, its just one kiss." He says puckering his lips. I push him away.

"I said STOP!" I scream again. Still no one helps me. They just stare. He violently grabs my arm and kisses me. I stomp on his foot.

"OWWW!" he screams.

"What the heck was that for?" he says angerly.

"I said stop ans you didn't." I say. I hate him so much. I try to walk away, but he grabs my arm before I had a chance to. His finger nails digging into my skin.

"That hurts! Let go!" I scream again. Still no one helps me.

"Your going to pay for what you just did there." he says dragging me to the exit. I eventually get away from his grip. I start running as he starts to chase after me.

"Come back here!" he yells. I keep running and knock over a man looking at jeans. We both fall to the ground. The man looks stunned.

" I'm so sorry!" I say as i get up and help the poor man off the floor. Evan is running closer. Before the man even says anything I start to panic. Where to go where to go. I scan the store and notice a dressing room. I run into the nearest door I see, hoping no one else is in there. I get in and quickly slam and lock the door. Evan comes running up and bangs on the door.

"Open the door Kacie!" he screams. I don't answer. He soon gives up and I hear him sigh, and then foot steps walking away. I breath a sigh I relief till I hear a guy behind me clearing his throat. I'm not alone.


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