Megan's Visit

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We all enter the hospital and I walk over to the receptionist's desk. The woman looks up from the paper work she was doing.

"Hello. How may I help you?" she asks, smiling.

"My friend is unconscious and might have a concussion." I say.

"Oh, well I'll just ask you to fill out this paper work and I'll get you a room." she said as she hands me a stack of papers and a pen. I walk over to all the boys who are sitting, with Lindsey still in Zayns arms. I sit down next to Niall and start to fill out the paper work.

"You know, Kacie. We really are sorry that this happened. It's all our fault. If we hadn't of popped out of the closet like that, Lindsey wouldn't have.. well... you know." Louis says pointing to Lindsey. I sigh.

"It's not your fault." I say. "I probably shouldn't of brought you to the apartment." I look at each one of them in the eyes.

"Don't be silly. If you hadn't of run into that dressing room and brought us to your apartment, I wouldn't have meet such a beautiful girl." Louis says smirking and then looking at the floor before looking me in the eyes. He definately knew how to charm a girl. I blush. He laughs. I continue filling out the paper work as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Excuse me Miss." the woman at the desk says. I walk over to the desk, then handing her the finnished paperwork.

"Thank you." she said. "We have a room for you. I'll take you to it." I thank her and turn around to motion for the boys to follow me. They get up and the nurse leads us to the empty hospital room.

"Here you are." she says and opens the door. I smile at her while Zayn walks over to the bed and lays Lindsey down.

"The doctor will be here shortly." she says. We all nod as she leaves the room and shuts the door.

"Wow. I'm surprised she didn't say anything about us." Harry says while walking over and sitting in a chair.

"Me too." I respond. I walk over to Lindsey and pull up a chair next to the bed.

"I hope she will be alright." I say.

"She'll be fine." Liam said as he walks over a nd puts my hand on my shoulder.I look up and smile at him.

"I hope so." I say. Then the doctor walks in.

"Hello everyone." he says, carrying a clipboard over to where Lindsey is laying.

"What seems to be the problem?" he asks.

"She passed out about a hour ago and has been that way ever since." I say. He grabs her wrist to take her pulse. He lays her wrist down and picks up the clipboard. The clicks the pen and begins writing something.

"Well she has a pulse, so she is still alive. All we can really do is wait untill she wakes up." he says putting the pen back in his pocket.

"Can I ask how this happened?" He adds. We all look at each other.

"Well..." I begin.

"She slipped and fell and hit her head really hard." Zayn says quickly. We all stare at him. He shrugs at us.

"Ok. Well she should awake in about a hour or 2." he says.

"Thank you doctor." Liam says. The doctor looks at him, and tilts his head. He then begins to stare at all the boys in the room. His eyes get wide.

"Aren't you guys.."

"One Direction. Yeah." Niall says, finnishing for him. His jaw drops.

"Wow. It's an honor to meet you guys, let alone me help you out." he says.

"Thank you." Harry said, smiling. The doctor walks out and shuts the door.

"Well I glad that Lindsey is ok." I say, sighing and landing in the chair with a unff. Louis walks over and sits next to me and smirks at me. I smile back. Suddenly, Megan flys through the door.

"Wheres Lindsey?!? Is ahe ok?!?!" she screams. I get up and run over to her.

"Megan calm down! Shes fine!" I say grabing both her arms. She finnaly calms down and smiles at me.

"It's so good to see you!" she squeals while hugging me. I hug back and laugh.

"It's good to see you too." I said. Megan releases me and faces the boys.

"Oh. I almost forgot." I say. " This is Zayn, Niall, Liam, Louis,and Harry."

"Hello!" they all say smiling, just like on the phone. She giggles.

"Hi guys. Nice to meet you." she says. Liam smiles really big. She walks over to Lindsey laying on the bed.

"So how is she?" she asks.

"She's fine." I say.

"The doctor says she'll wake up in about an hour." Niall adds. Megan nods.

"I'm glad she's fine.." she says, sitting in the seat next to the bed.


Next chapter tommorow!

Hoped you liked it! :)



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