New Home

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---Next Day---

^^Your View^^

Barry helped me out the next day by helping me find a new home for Aiden and me. The price for it was actually very cheap for the area and how nice it is. And Barry being so nice almost bought all of the furniture in here. But of course I told him no and helped him buy at least some of the stuff.  

We put the furniture wherever I thought was good for it. Once we where done with decorating I took a step back and look around at the new home, me and Aiden can start over in. A fresh start.


"For What?"

"For showing me what its like to smile again, Barry."

Before I could look back at Barry, I feel two arms fall around me and held tightly on to me. I didn't know what had gotten into me but I started balling out and started to buried my face into Barry's arms.

"T-thank you so much..."

"Your Welcome."

I hear his voice was filled with care. 

"N-now me and A-aiden can have a fresh new start."

We stayed like that for a few more minutes until I pushed him away softly. I wiped the little tears I had left and Barry's phone rang. He grabbed it out of his pocket and looked the caller, Iris.

"Sorry, I gotta take this (Y/n)." Barry said.

"It's Okay, Go take it, you can't ignore a girl without getting in trouble." I said trying to make it seem more like a joke. 

"Haha, okay talk to you later, (Y/n)!"

"Bye, See you lat---", Barry had closed the door on me  when he left.

My hands turned into fists as my smile quickly formed a frown. 




"Its always Iris!! Iris this!! Iris That! It's never (Y/n)...Never..."

"I'm just a distant memory."

~~~~Barry's View~~~~

I rush out the room to answer the call. 

"Hey, Iris whats up."

"Barry!!!! YOU won't believe this another person also has the same powers as The Blur. They got away with robbing a Bank, Can you believe that!! How did they get away?" 

"WOW, really I bet you that the fans of your blog will love for you to cover that story!" I tried to sound like I didn't know about it already.

I just smiled as I heard the excitement in her voice. I wish I could tell her, I'm the Blur but I can't. I can't put Iris in danger like that. Who know how much danger she could get into if she is involved in with the Blur. 

I walked away from the apartment and started to listen to more of her talking about the Blur. 

"I bet the Blur met his match in this fight! What do you think Barry?" Iris said.

"He probably did on this one."

"Away Bar, I gotta go. See you later!"


'She must have been in a rush, she was talking fast.' I though.

I looked at the time and saw it was 8:47 p.m.

Time Is Gone In A Flash (Barry Allen X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now