A New World

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Episode 1

Aphmeow woke up in a strange place. She had no idea why she was there, and only vague memories of her past. Something about - Rossume? Annnyway, Aphmeow looked around and saw a kitty getting wood from a tree.

"Hey! You!" She called out, but the other kitty scampered away. Aphmeow followed him, and he led her to a village. There she met two guard
Kitties named garmeow and zenhiss. She also met a librarian kitty named Emmeow, and a farmer named Brendog.

"This village is a litter box." Aphmeow said to Garrmeow. "I will fix it up and make it into a scratching post!" Aphmeow also moved three pretty female kitties into a house and called it the MEOW house.

Tessa out! <3

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