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Have you ever wanted to know what certain abriviations meant

They would say CWD or SFS

Well im going to tell you what they mean

Cwd: comment when done

They usually use this especially when doing shoutouts,promos,or when they tell you to do something they wrote in their captions

Sfs: shoutout for shoutout or

Spam for spam

Its usually shout out for shoutout and here's the thing you should keep in mind 

IF THEY ASK YOU FIRST AS IN COMMENTING ON YOUR PHOTO SAYING "SFS?" OR "S4S"/"SFS" IF YOU WANT TO SAY SURE *YOU FIRST* «««always say that but if you dont want to do sfs just dont reply

P4P: prommo for prommo


P4P'S ARE when verry big popular groups on instagram shout EACHOTHER out to help reach a "goal" (to get more followers) and if you ever wonder how other people get shoutouts from them...... They are part of that prommo group or some prommo group or you have to be at that point when they say 5k+ or 9k+ which means if you have 5 thousand followers or more you can ask for one or 9 thousand followers and up


Dont tell me you have never gotten one of these on your pics when people comment and say "f4f" its annoying ik but it helps and if you want more type this somewhere copy it type in a certain hashtag like #follow ot #shoutouts then comment on thise photos and press pace and do it more and more it just makes the process faster (its okay if you dont follow back)

Q.o.t.d: do you know what this means

I just gave you an example

Q.o.t.d means QUESTION OF THE DAY thats why in the comments people are always saying things lije yes,no,purple,dog,iPhone 5,canon,connor franta,kingsley...etc.


this means answer of the day they just answer their own q.o.t.d so you know their opinion or what they like..and the you can comment below whats your opinion or what you like

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