Enchantments and Desire

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Annalise sits by the pond, sketching away, mind completely focused until a twig breaks. She glances up and smirks as the boy quickly hides behind a tree, "You know, if you want to spy on me, you should know that I can feel you."

Edward hides behind the tree, for some reason, it almost felt like his stone cold heart was beating. He places his hand over it, feeling nothing, but silence. 

"Hi." The sound of her voice startles him, how he had not noticed her coming up, he knew not.

He grimaces slightly at her before mumbling, "Hello. I'm Edward Cullen."

"I'm Annalise Swan." She smiles at him, reaching a hand out to shake which he takes and as they touch, they both gasp. Annalise feels a tug at her heart as does Edward and both glance up at each other, their eyes connecting and taking them to their other world. 

"What was that?" Edward wonders out loud causing Annalise to snatch her hand away harshly, "Oh no. No, no, no."

She mutters and backs up as she gathers her things quickly.

"Where are you going?"

"You're a Cold One, aren't you?" Her words leave him astonished, how would she know?

"How did you-?"

Annalise nods, "This is not right, no Cold One can be enchanted with the Mystics. I'm sorry, I have to go."

And as if she down right disappeared, Edward stood alone in the middle of the forest. He sped home, to get answers, and he knew just who to ask.


Carlisle was working upstairs, but he sped down as his adopted son barged into the house. Taking in the frantic and confused expression on Edward's face, he asks, "What is wrong, Edward?"

Edward replies almost immediately, first thinking of how she worded it, and then asking.

"I need you to tell me who the Mystics are."

Carlisle glances at his son in surprise, it had been a while since he heard that term. Almost a couple hundred years. "Sit down, I'll be back."

He searches through his bookshelves, wondering if he even kept the files. The Mystics were originated from Mystic Falls, part of their name. They were formed before even Doppelgangers were formed. More like the first of the first. They were a balance of powers, charged with sins after denying the light, and from there, cursed to come back every century until their wrongs were righted. Their powers taken away and transformed into curses that they would have to overcome.

Carlisle remembered the tale Aro had told him, and had the chance to meet their grandchildren, The Originals. Night walkers. 

"Are these who you speak of?" Carlisle shows three pictures, each one looking like each of the three sisters.


"These are the Mystics. They are thousands of years old, they once held magical powers, they are what are almost equivalent to fairies. Yet, they are human, flesh and blood. Each time they come back to life, they start from the beginning, life as a human. They come back to find their long awaited mates. Once they find their mate, they become immortal, living as long as their mate, sometimes creating more of their kind. Why do you ask?" Carlisle thought to leave out the other history as the Night walkers were not something Cold Ones were best acquainted with. Especially his family who knew only so little of the other species, just enough to know they were more dangerous than them in some ways.

"Because these girls are Charlie Swan's daughters, and they mentioned something about enchantment." Edward says and Carlisle stops, "Wait, enchantment? Who did they enchant?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2017 ⏰

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