Chapter 1

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-Drake's P.O.V-

I let out a soft grunt upon landing on a rocky and cold surface. A mountain like terrain. The smell of saltwater lingered in the air, telling me that I was close to an ocean. I shivered and stood, sighing. I dusted myself off and looked around. It was raining.

'Such an amazing way to start of a day...' I mumbled to myself sarcastically.

Everything was slightly like the way I left it. Except, the majority of the things I had on shelves and stuff had a layer of dust. Eh, I guess I'll just clean those later...

A thought then just popped into my head. I pushed aside a couple of vines that were covering a button. I clicked it, a couple of mechanisms moving to open up an entrance within the wall. I cautiously went down and closed the door, running to where I had kept the...diamond.. I froze and sighed heavily, seeing that their was a large hole in the wall, exposing the secret spot and that the gem was gone..

"Great, now everyone's going to see this." I looked at the mess then at the mechanics that held the diamond. "And those things were expensive!" I whined and groaned. "Oh well..." I began to make my way back up before crying out, grabbing my head.

The demons' laughter was loud in my mind, before it reduced to medium, dark chuckles and everything went dark...

-Grayson's P.O.V-

I cut through the thick vegetation of the forest, picking out berries since winter is nearing. I tossed a couple in my mouth, looking down at the map. "If I remember correctly... Drake's home should be.. To the East." He mumbled, worried of what his friend was going through.

Maia was close behind since I had found her easily at an ancient shrine. "How much farther? My legs are killing me!" She complained, eating a couple of blueberries. We had been walking for hours already and I bet over at least 15 miles. "Fine. We can rest here but for a short time. We need to find Drake as fast as we can." I looked east, hoping that's where my friend's home was.

"Good! And yeah, I know. But I know we will find him!" She grinned and I smiled a bit. She's always trying to look at the bright side of things. Maia picked a spot by a small tree and almost instantly fell asleep.

It was night now and I decided to risk making a campfire. The mercenaries nearly caught us a couple of times and they aren't giving up. I know that for sure.

I looked at my bag and gently brushed off any dust that accumulated on the slick shell of the black and purple dragon egg. The origins of how I managed to get my hands on it were haunting..and it took everything away from me. Just thinking about it made tears prick my emerald eyes that were staring at the fire.


Now I just realized how much I hated it. I rubbed my hands on my pants, sweat forming on my palms from being close to the heat. I ate a few berries, wanting to save them for the trip greeting us at dawn. I poked at the orange flames lazily, needing to keep myself awake. I wasn't taking that chance of the two of us getting caught asleep. I rubbed my eyes, suppressing a yawn. It was hard to see anything in the distance since it was pitch black at this time of night, but unable to spot any trouble. 

"Please just be safe Drake..." I sighed softly, closing my eyes.

Drake's P.O.V

I groaned again, my chest feeling extremely heavy as if a weight was on it. A massive migraine pierced my skull, making me whimper and tremble. My body felt like fire. My hand frantically searched around for something, water or a health potion, something to help..

'Thought I was gone, did you? You'll never get rid of me. And soon, you'll be mine. And you'll know how Armen felt.' The demon snickered.

And the mention of Armen, it made me flinch. My guilt settled in once more. Scenes played in my head. Scenes I wished to forget. Scenes that I wish wouldn't exist...

Another headache. They've only been growing worse and worse. I'm running out of supplies to make those d*mned health potions. I need to go out and find the others.. I glanced outside, it pitch black. "I guess I should head out early morning." I yawned and went over to my bed, immediately passing out when I made contact with the bedsheets.

???'s P.O.V

I've been here more weeks...maybe days.. I don't know.. I've lost count. I'm not the one to keep track of everything. Only my schedule. Speaking of which...

Guards walked in, snickering when they saw me. I was a complete mess. I had given up, knowing I couldn't escape. I was captured around 3 weeks after I split up from the others.

I was huddled up in the corner, though it was no use. This was only the lightest they'd be. They both grabbed one of my arms and dragged me out from the cold, damp, dusty cell. I was taken to the laboratory, everything already sore, and nothing hadn't even happened.

The metal was dirty and cold, old bloodstains covering it. Mechanisms littered the room, monitors and other technical devices beeping and making other noises that I didn't really care about at the moment.

"Welcome back, Akane." The royal scientist laughed. "I just want this to be over...." I mumbled under my breath, embracing myself for what this week's tests will consist off..

Each day brought in new bandages, new injuries and each day got worse. There would be those extremely rare days when they would let me rest and take a break, but, it was hard to get those now a days... I just hope the others are okay..

The last thing I want is for Drake to end up like me.. For anyone to be like me..

I was thrown back into my cell, shaking. I carefully touched the new tender wound on my ender ear, blood covering my fingertips. I hiss softly in pain, wincing, the pain still strong.

"Just another day.." I sighed mindlessly drawing shapes on the dusty floor, tears unknowingly pooling my eyes.

I just wish this could be all over.. I've tried escaping but all attempts have failed so far. I kept refusing to sleep, scared, terrified even, but I couldn't stay awake.. I hadn't slept for 4 days straight this entire week..

My heavy eyelids ever so slowly shut and I was out like a light.

???'s P. O. V. (so many xD)

I sat there, listening to my father lecture me about the responsibilities of being an Emperor, for I was going to be the next ruler. I wasn't interested at all at being a high figure. I wanted to live a normal life.

"Are you listening to me, Peter??" My father broke through my daydreaming of a farm life.

"H-Huh? Oh, yes Father!" I nodded hastily though I had exactly no clue of what he had just said.

The silence between us had gotten pretty awkward so I faked a yawn, acting tired. It was pretty late, most of the sun past the horizon already.

My father went upstairs for a meeting, leaving me by myself. Why can't I just leave here? That thought followed my to my bedroom and I began to lean towards it.

It wouldn't be so bad... Would it?
I looked around my room, tired of seeing the same old things.. I wanted to explore, not be stuck in this fancy life. The moonlight shone directly into the middle of the room, lighting up the small area.

I packed small items, things I would actually need. I was going to leave tomorrow night, whether anyone knew it or not.

Hello! Just saying that I know this might not be as good as others *cough Insaneobesser777 and EnderLox_Sama cough* But, it's something. I cannot promise I will be updating daily, for I am very busy with school and shit but... I'll honestly try my best to upload whenever I can ;;
Again if you haven't read in the description, I will allow OC's but around maybe a few more chapters, I will ask for a bit more.

Until the next update (lmao 2 years later)
(*゚▽゚)ノ See ya later (unless you're someone I message lol)

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