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When we entered the main room which looked more like a cave, Everyone was busy loading guns or monitoring the Security cameras or even counting stacks of cash from drug dealing, Zayn pulled out a metal chair from the long table and sat me down, My body stiffened and my mind was active and cautious. A Pink haired girl with tight black latex clothing skipped her way to Zayn, Wrapping her hands around his neck "Hey baby" She spoke softly, He looked down at her, smirking.

He pulled her head closer and started kissing her, Like literally a full make out session, I glanced away before I heard the sound of a zipper, she was sticking her hand in his pants!

Sweet Jesus

I'm so uncomfortable right now, this is embarrassing and weird, Where's Landon? Take me away, Save me please.

He groaned and pulled away, "Not now baby" she whined as she parted, "Why, you never turn me down" Zayn nods his head towards me, "We've got audience, Can't give her a show now can we?"

I scoff, "Yeah, as if I'm keen to watch human dogs humping each other", He stares at me, A small smile tugging on his lips before looking away quickly.

"Oh so you the one everyone's talking about? Wow, Nothing really special about you anyway, So bland and ... ew"
Pink head glares in disgust,


She looks at me in confusion, "I'm what?!"

"You said 'you' in your sentence .. it's supposed to be you're"

"You've got a smart mouth" Zayn Mutters, as the Pink haired opened her mouth to say something, two men come running in through the main door with guns hung around their shoulders.

"Sir! Sir!" One of them yelled, Zayn stood straighter, "Parker is upstairs, What's the problem?"

"They're here"

"Who?" Zayn walks up to them, "The Cops, They tracked down Tylah, And they know our location and they're coming in"

Zayn turns around fast, and grabs my arm "Everyone, Evacuate the building, Now!" As people run around, Zayn pulls me with him upstairs, where Parker was.

"Zayn, What's all that noise?" He asked as he opened the door, "The cops found us, tracked her down"

Parker shook his head "fück!"

"What do I do with her?" he pointed at me, Parker drummed his fingers on his chin, "Take her out of here, Get her to the valleys"

The valleys?! That was so far from here

"You know my number, Call me from a booth and I'll tell you when and where to return"

Zayn nods at Parker, I'm pulled away with Zayn as he pulls out a gun from his pants, and reloads it, "You run, you die, Clear?"

His brown eyes gazed at mine, "Clear"

Suddenly the alarm goes off, and a loud wail fills the halls, "That's just great" Zayn cussed under his breath, As we neared the elevator I heard screaming.


"Tylah, Where are you?!"

I stop dead in my tracks, It's Elliot, I turn around before Zayn knows it and run to the second hall end where Elliot's voice was coming from. "Elliot! Elliot I'm here!" I scream at the top of my lungs while running with Zayn behind me, "Elliot!" I see him standing at the end with 3 Armed men, I pick up my speed and reach out to him

I see an arm come around my shoulders and the sound of the guns safety switch off, The air is knocked out of my lungs and I stumbled back into the arms which held me back.


The cold tip of the gun is pointed at my head, I'm 10 steps away from Elliot, "Don't fücking move!" Zayn says in a low voice and walks back wards towards the elevator, dragging me along slowly, "Zayn, Let her go, Its me you want not her, Please" Elliot speaks, cracks in his voice that made my heart break.

"You discuss that shit with Parker, I'm just looking after your girl" he shouted back at him, Zayn pressed the elevator button with his elbows as the doors opened, "Zayn, I don't want to hurt you"

Zayn laughed, "Funny, I'll blow your wife's fücking brains out"

Elliot looked at his men, holding his hand up "Hold your fire boys"

My eyes got watery, and I was drained and emotionally in pain, I gripped Zayns arm and tried to escape, "Stay still" I looked up to Elliot, crying.

"Elliot, Help me"

Elliot looked like he was about to cry any second, there was anger in his eyes, watching me, his wife get dragged away.

"Zayn, I'll do anything please..."

Zayn didn't take shït from Elliot as he stepped in the elevator, The men aimed their guns, ready to fire which pissed Zayn off.

"That's it!"

Elliot's eyes widen, as he tried to push past the men to come to me, to stop Zayn from shooting me in the head.

I closed my eyes, Heart beating rapidly, and fear running in my veins.

Elliot wasn't gonna make it in time, He wasn't going to save me. I accepted death unwillingly, I opened my tear filled eyes and looked right into Elliot's, whispering again and again 'I love you'

Zayn pulled the trigger and Elliot screamed, his eyes filled with tears, stumbling towards us.

I take in a sharp breath and wait for it to kill me, But it didn't come.


"Oops, Outta bullets" Zayn shrugs and waves at them and slams his hand on the ground floor button.

The doors close and it's too late.

I push away from him and sit in the corner, Unable to form any words, Hands shaking, I wipe my tears and pull myself together.

"You're not gonna keep me here for long" I choked out, My voice cracking yet strong

"Oh we will" he smirks,

"They found you once, and they'll find you again .. and again"

He cocky smirk drops, Jaw clenched

"And you'll be the one with a bullet through your head, darling"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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