A time to live, a time to die

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Gérard ran to the woman, terrified that any moment that wall of ice could break and he could be killed.

"Stop!" The woman yelled.

Gérard stopped in his tracks and felt the ground beneath him get colder. Suddenly he was shot upward by another wall of ice and he was at eye level to the mysterious woman.

"Come on! Reyes sent me to find you. He found out your body was gone and got suspicious. I'm Mei." The woman said, extending her hand.

Gérard took her hand and she swiftly pulled him close to her. Gérard felt slightly frightened, but as he saw the walls of ice shatter Lena started firing at them. Gérard's eyes widened as he saw the energy approaching him quickly. Just before he was killed, his vision was distorted and a powerful chill surrounded him. He was encased in ice alongside Mei. Lena started making her way to the roof and Mei unfroze them and she took his hand, running to a nearby jet.

Gérard got in the cockpit and started the ignition process. Mei got in and got in the seat next to him.

"You can fly this thing?"

"How do you think I got here? I may not have been trained to be a pilot but I can read." She scoffed and they left the base, Lena trying to shoot down the jet but failing.

Sombra watched the whole scenario from the hacked security cameras.

"That woman... Genji, I'm sending you to London. There seems to be a lot of Overwatch at London, perhaps that's where they're going. If not, then kill any Overwatch and Blackwatch agents you find. Understood?"

"Of course" Genji said and left their apartment where Sombra stationed them in Numbani.

"Angela? I heard you had some connections to the Blackwatch?" Sombra asked.


"Angela?" Sombra asked, turning around, looking for the doctor.


Angela ran from the building and saw something on a rooftop. She didn't give it much thought and kept running. She hid in an alley and saw a few bandits conversing nearby.

"Remember, Lucio wants this equipment as quickly as possible. He paying us a lot to do this." One of them said.

Lucio? That name sounds familiar. Wait, that's Hana's boyfriend. Angela snuck out of the alley and saw the same thing from before, only this time, it had moved rooftops. It was following her. She broke into a mad dash, running from it, but she heard engines coming closer and closer to her. Eventually she took to the air and flew from her pursuer. She looked to see what it was and it looked like a large pink mech, being piloted by someone inside. She continued to fly from it when she was shot by what looked like a ball of plasma. She fell to the ground and the impact kept her immobile. A large muscular woman walked up to her and knelt next to her.

"You weren't too hard to hit. You're not fast enough." She said in a very thick Russian accent.

"Who... are you?" Angela asked, her speech a bit off and gravelly from the impact.

"None of your concern. I know your working with Sombra, and I'm here to take you to Overwatch." She said and grabbed Angela, settling her on her shoulder and carrying her away.

Before they got too far, the mech landed in front of them and started shooting at the Russian. She dropped Angela and brought her weapon up, creating an energy barrier around her and Angela.

"Run!" She yelled and Angela quickly got up, taking to the air and flying to a rooftop.

The mech followed her and Angela continued running, eventually flying, but was quickly being caught up by the mech.

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