The guard announced they are free except the princess then sleepy confronted to let her free and been accepted.the moment the king was stressed the he had a stroke again then the queen asked him to use a leech to cure him then sleepy,sneezy and the princess came the princess wants to say something to the king.
O hear me king for I must sing
How you are the greatest at everything
But letting a dragon burn down our city
How horrible it was it wasn't pretty twas
All your fault it is a were bad you are to blame
Now hang you kingly head in shame na na na na na na na na na na na na na na
Sleepy,sneezy and princess: the king is bad he is to blame he hang is kingly head in shame na na na na na na na na na na na NA!
But the king was too angry after the song so he decided to cut of their heads
Using a blade but the queen told the story of the brave dwarfs for centuries the dwarfs were ascended to the sky and they were ordered to to stop the evil hildy gloom just then she kidnapped the queen and at that moment when they are ready to cut thier heads of sleepy and sneezy started crying but failed when the king was too late to sav her a heavenly light busted on the two and ordered them to rescue the queen and settled of as a star of a new adventure.
Sleepy and the Middle Ages time
FantasyAfter sleepy and sneezy caught a joust accident they went back int the Middle Ages