Chapter #18 Going Back to Normal (ENDING)

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The Executioner stood before Hannah, Karen and I. His face was stricken with a menacing glare.

    "Shit...." I whimpered.

    "You will come with me now." The Executioner declared.

    "You can stop acting like you've won now! She's gone! We defeated her!" I spat back.

The Executioner's eyes narrowed and flared.

    "I'm well aware of what has happened. But it isn't over." He spoke.

The Executioner reached for me, grabbing me by the throat.

    "You can't escape me now." He growled.

I choked for some sort of air as the Executioner's grip tightened around my neck. He began to laugh at my struggling.

Before Hannah and Karen could react, we heard a roar from behind us. The Executioner turned and he was snatched up off of the ground, his grip on my throat released. I fell to the floor, wind now entering my lungs again. Karen knelt down beside me and Hannah stood where she was in shock. We heard the loud roar again a few feet away from us followed by the yell of the Executioner. Slowly, I looked up.

It was Tenzin! The abominable snowman! He had picked up the Executioner when he saw that I was in trouble. Tenzin held the Executioner tight in his fist, angrily chuffing at him.

    "Put me down you insolent beast!" The Executioner demanded.

Tenzin roared again. I noticed now that teachers and students had all come out of their classes due to all the commotion. They stood watching, gobsmacked. The only person missing was....

    "What's going on out here?!" Principal Karl asked, coming from his office and down the stairs.

Principal Karl turned to me and the girls. I had a hand around my throat, it had turned a shade of bluish purple from the Executioner's grip.

    "Somebody want to explain this?" Karl questioned.

    "The Executioner was choking me, sir. Tenzin saved me." I explained.

    "Oh really? And why was he choking you?" Karl poked.

    "Because he's evil! He's corrupt! He was working with SaraBeth to destroy us. When he found out that we had defeated SaraBeth, he knew he had to get rid of us." I ranted.

    "You've got to believe her!" Karen added.

    "Is this true Executioner?" Karl asked.

    ".....Yes." The Executioner admitted. There was a gleam of defeat in his dark eyes.

    "Very well're fired. And I shall arrange for you to be arrested at once. Tenzin, bring him into my office. I would also like to discuss with you a position as our new head of security." Principal Karl spoke as he turned and walked back to his office.

As Tenzin and Karl walked off I turned to Karen and Hannah, high-fiving them both. Classes began to shuffle back to their rooms, but I caught a glimpse of Will, Ray, Jerry and Slappy as they walked back. They all gave me either a wink, a thumbs up or a nod before disappearing back into the crowd.

The girls and I returned to our class as well. The rest of the school day carried on as normal. At lunch Slappy came up to us. He was joining us at our lunch table from now on. The more the merrier!

I walked home alone that day. It was a relaxing walk. For the first time in a few days I could breath without fear of being stalked. It felt nice. All of my worries were now taken care of. Karl had taken care of the Executioner and had made Tenzin the new head of security! Karl had even put in for a new nurse. I heard it's going to be a nice woman with the power to grant wishes. I think I heard her name was Clarissa?

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