The Gallifreyan Detective

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I'm going to put who's who in a list below just to clarify, well, who's who. Though it might be clear, I'll mention it once more.

Dean Winchester---> Sherlock Holmes

Sam Winchester---> John Watson

The Doctor---------> Dean Winchester

John Watson-------> Sam Winchester

Sherlock Holmes---> The Doctor


Sherlock had an immense headache when he woke up. There were many flashing lights around him. He deduced that he was, for some reason, in a plane. He wasn't strapped into a seat, eliminating the fact that he could be in a car. He had the freedom to move a little more, and he did not feel cramped, further eliminating the fact that he was in a car. He opened his eyes a little more and for the first time ever, he was completely baffled. He was in some sort of flying contraption. It was an immense structure. There was a bizarre cylindrical tube going up to the dome-like ceiling. At the base of this tube was something that resembled a control center. There was a circular pad at the base with a bazillion buttons, all lighting up in different flashy colours. There was a sort of siren going on in the contraption and Sherlock climbed up the stairs to observe the control board better.

He squinted his eyes at the buttons and dials and switches. The thing he was in was jerking and whoosing and occasionally violently throwing him around. He gripped tight on the rail bar and he looked for something that resembled brakes. He found two levers on the other side and decided to pull them both down.

To his surprise, the contraption seemed to move around faster and toss him about more. He groaned and pushed one lever up. Finally, the thing slowed down to a stop.

He sighed and he leaned back against the railing. "Where am I? John?" he said out loud. He froze. That was not his voice. He ran down the few little steps and ran down every hall, peeking through every door and becoming even more appalled and confused as to where he was.

He opened one door to find an entire jungle. He opened another door to find out that he was at the edge of a dark abyss. One lead to a beautiful waterfull, with a little pond at the bottom. One lead to London apartment area. On one of the walls, Sherlock noticed some words spraypainted on the wall.


He scrunched his eyebrows further up in confusion. The words seemed to stand out to him..

He closed the door and finally opened a door that led him to a mirror. He ran to the mirror and was very startled.

He was no longer seeing his usual self. His dark curls were replaced with shorter, blond hair that flopped over at the top. His blue eyes were replaced with very... unique green eyes. They somehow seemed to have seen so much, yet they were young and immature. He felt as if he had seen everything on Earth and beyond.

Sherlock was now wearing a tweed suit jacket and had a red bowtie tied neatly aroudn his neck. He had a white dress shirt that was half tucked in and half tucked out. He had black suspenders attached to his black dress pants. His pants were almost like jeans but made of a different material. Sherlock deduced that this man was rather active, of a middle to lower class, due to the tweed jacket. What ever he was in he still could not figure out. Then, he felt it.

He hadn't noticed until then. His mind was too scattered but there it was.

thump thump thump thump thump.

His heart beated not once, but twice. He felt.... both of his hearts beat. This was the Doctor. And he recalled that the Doctor said he was not human. Sherlock was in the body of an alien. He walked out of the room slowly. He tried to look for a library.

He opened door after door and could not find anything. He opened one door and he was in the backyard of some house in Scotland. It was a large house. A young girl with red hair was looking out the window. When she saw Sherlock, she smiled and left the window. Sherlock was even more confused and just as the girl opened the front door, Sherlock closed the door he had opened.

He walked some more and what seemed like hours on end, he finally reached a door that so conveniently had the words "Library" written on them. He pushed open the door and was met with rows upon endless rows of book shelves, grand bookshelves made of wood.

Sherlock was frustrated. He didn't have the time to be wondering about looking for a book on what sort of thing he was in.

"Where am I?" he shouted, slamming the door shut behind him as he left to the hall. He was in the hall.

"Hello? This is the TARDIS protocol. I have been enabled due to unknown entity on this ship. Who are you?" Sherlock heard a voice say.

Sherlock raised an eyebrow and he went back to the control center. There was a holographic image of the man whom he had the body of.

"I'm... Sherlock.. Sherlock Holmes... Where am I?" he asked. A green light protrudes from the hologram and it scanned Sherlock's body up and down.

"My scan has declared that you come with no evil intentions but you are merely confused. I am the Doctor. I am a Timelord, an alien from the planet Gallifrey. I fly through space and time protecting Earth in my TARDIS, Time And Relative Dimensions in Space. You are currently in the TARDIS. The chameleon circuit was damaged but I fixed it and I liked the look of a blue police box but once you enter the TARDIS, it is not a box. It is a sort of time machine," the hologram explained. Sherlock nods slowly.

"So... I am currently in the Doctor's body... how did you know I was not the Doctor?" Sherlock asks curiously.

"A sudden spike in curiosity, a lack of knowledge of location and numerous questions about the TARDIS seemed to give away, does it not?" the hologram replied. "That is all I am programed to inform you on. Good luck, Sherlock." The hologram then disappeared. As soon as it disappeared, the phone rang. Not from within the TARDIS. Not the Doctor's cell (though Sherlock was slightly surprised he had one) but from outside... from the police box. Sherlock walked cautiously to the outside of the box. He opened the doors and stood back to admire the police box. It looked so much smaller. It looked to be at least a quarter of the size it was on the inside. It looked like a very authentic 1960's police box. Sherlock was very impressed by the authenticity.

The ringing phone snapped Sherlock out of his phase of structural admiration. He looked at the phone and hesitantly, slowly too, as if he were reaching for a snake rather than a ringing phone, and picked it up.

"Hello?" he asked through the receiver.

"Hello Doctor. Did you miss me?" said the unrecognizable voice on the other end.

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